Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)
- 1.
- IIBA Meeting @ Chubb in Whitehouse Station - Thursday, March 15 From: Peter Lutz
- 2.
- Fw: Project/Program Manager - Contract in NJ or PA From: Sabina Margeton
- 1.
IIBA Meeting @ Chubb in Whitehouse Station - Thursday, March 15
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:48 am (PST)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IIBA New Jersey Chapter <communication@newjersey. >
Date: Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:20 PM
Subject: Venue Change for This Thursday, March 15th Meeting - Now at Chubb
in Whitehouse Station
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you no longer wish to receive our emails.
[image: IIBA NJ jpeg] *IIBA New Jersey Chapter* *Issue No.
*2012-0309 *Dear Peter,*
*Join Us on March 15th at Chubb in Whitehouse Station. **Andrew Oliver will
present *
*"Introduction to Process FMEA Standards"*
Andrew's presentation will:
- Provide a walk-through of the standards used to create a Failure Modes
and Effects Analysis document
- Explain how to correctly create a FMEA document
- Achieve the goal of creating FMEA documents that eliminate problems
before they occur and mitigate those problems that cannot be eliminated.
Mr. Oliver is a Master Black Belt in training with BMG Inc.; a senior
member of ASQ as a certified Six Sigma Black Belt. He has a master's
degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University, an Organizational and
Executive Coaching certificate from New York University, a Lean Six Sigma
certificate from Villanova University and is certified as a project manager
by the Project Management Institute. He is also a member of the
International Institute of Business Analysts.
He is currently developing process methodology and six Sigma training
programs for business analysts at Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ.
[image: Register
Now]< >et=1109496472517 &s=30&e=001fDeIE EdWy-vSMVOWSolDe NBUmwh71HeMYShwV k74S6HM6fgU1nXPD v6xAfWeqqTtSsRI2 09Hh8D2yCw1JKnv6 BQ90Kn4S- rBEC0eBUIbkS- Ar1crnnqjGjjwrUo I0COnysd07TOcWqo GU-D1YjLifwsrlAD RdMq7MBkif3wLNjP td_EcoDg8gKGEw3K M3kzOngcePxfzOSO zubugUzLJamGv9vp tw0uN7GAlwiKIByK ThO2gOCKp78QFXl6 aGqlLmdaRNTXk5TO mRUeVjblSZfEaZCR bLtwid1zCodixthy bwPr_mfZFPiMIaiQ LGEahQQ-5eFwxz23 VkWP_dpLBBy36dxt 5Fn2Smubq8yynQq1 ym5jYSrB0rLZcnK5 e1uBF5gPSbQt6nVU zc0HowM-8ig7JyYg fk13g8Ucp4RhVM9g vZN55OijcGsxc2k0 KlcV83XA- 7SOOAm3U_ 2I65WyTmVipjbUf_ eT-efl7a8ESRFYJT rnIHIdjMJNbPLkjM B5Ez7mAsaEve4oh6 C1V7r2F8g= =
*2 Tickets will be Raffled off for the Upcoming 7th Annual Project Summit &
BusinessAnalystWorld at the March 15th Meeting*
On April 16th-19th, the 7th annual Project Summit and BusinessAnalystWorld
will take place at the ACE Conference Center in Philadelphia. Attendees
will participate in focused symposium conference sessions, detailed post
conference workshops, explore peer to peer collaboration through round
table discussions and have the ability to gain up to 26 PDU's and CDU's.
The IIBA NJ Chapter will be raffling 2 tickets to this conference at the
March 15th meeting at Chubb in Whitehouse Station.
Plan to attend BA World ... Ask your manager or BA Center of Excellence to
reimburse the registration fee as training. As an attendee, you will have
access to symposium presentations. A good way to get reimbursement is to
make a commitment to summarize what you learned in a presentation for your
work group
Visit: <http://r20.rs6. net/tn.jsp? >et=1109496472517 &s=30&e=001fDeIE EdWy-sljCA8V4B0r 0mCnBLOJnuFzgFyb SCyKEyEAphZePiVT vxL6VdDiS7MdvTBf GTU7smjyzokoUlXC 3eQXTZbvyZFsR_ xSkl24T08NX0bEF2 yyMl4JNlEKCGMKa3 XYg146U3SBPND2EF q6mzRf2K4S_ oSIdlJ-5r26kUM7E TInVgco4vpFkG35M ucbu27KTnwbWE4rl fVILUtL9yc88BpMj POzUDNL3- Rae-TFn5daKBJkXE FaN_wKoUXt7zCT1k BvGj8HUNn9R7SaJS den1t-YCQO7hVHUF zG8A=
call: 888.443.6786 x2228
Save the Date - Thursday, April 19th Meeting in Lyndhurst, NJ
Joseph Lukas will present: "Pardon Me - Your Personality is Showing!"
Knowledge of business analysis technical skills is not sufficient to avoid
project failure. Business Analysts (BA's) need well-developed soft skills
including leadership, conflict resolutions and communications. The
successful Business Analyst also recognizes the styles of other project
Session Learning Objectives: When the session is completed, the attendee
will be able to:
1. Describe the strengths, weaknesses and reaction to stress for the
four basic personality styles.
2. Explain how to identify the four basic personality styles.
3. Describe how to flex each style to effectively communicate with other
[image: Register
Now]< >et=1109496472517 &s=30&e=001fDeIE EdWy-ufTRlOZQFN5 jr73r13Ken7BiBJR udfMH-KgkZDDj3bW 1tQqD2NXM3WhryoR u82Ju3191HryFe2Q 8UTmsunYQ9WwPPOG xHST9dPc2HUBVaXR _SmaIUFD1N7zFxfF io2v4rvLOF- jNLtiLAnHVGLqpAK Oq0mu_nI1U0LUaSl 8QoR0Mhmw28XpXx2 24ReJhe74FgvYBi8 1PPKnvTJ_ Ackg7NFN_ c7n-ep2zWJq6UcGk 8SfMjHOCYgg1EjqL qlKxzt98GGDVnu68 OgDwaWnqHA2FGQrJ dXsTTW78BM31MeV0 u7rQhKg3LIKPx3uW KKkujjAFl_ yM_x7-k4e42rzi1V t9V2rZNZDiSnQVBA KsPjq0m7i8xGMl8x m5wd1AjzKoSrNU2n _fYXVZN3U7kUxG6C EhAWhKExF2CzXEy4 tRaqv9lh1ZztILeA 6B00Qnl5HHz2XBS3 Aa2ZBVxfK5_ CP4ojS7MJ3pxIbsk jppXpGPAPSO- 1t8NceFc8kgDgT3c FFmpz75rW1bMXr0M OB15Jr5KAftcMdNy zPk0CYXpzpxenirR _1w==
Win a Free Pass to BA World in Philadelphia, April
16th-19th< >et=1109496472517 &s=30&e=001fDeIE EdWy-sljCA8V4B0r 0mCnBLOJnuFzgFyb SCyKEyEAphZePiVT vxL6VdDiS7MdvTBf GTU7smjyzokoUlXC 3eQXTZbvyZFsR_ xSkl24T08NX0bEF2 yyMl4JNlEKCGMKa3 XYg146U3SBPND2EF q6mzRf2K4S_ oSIdlJ-5r26kUM7E TInVgco4vpFkG35M ucbu27KTnwbWE4rl fVILUtL9yc88BpMj POzUDNL3- Rae-TFn5daKBJkXE FaN_wKoUXt7zCT1k BvGj8HUNn9R7SaJS den1t-YCQO7hVHUF zG8A=
at our March meeting
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IIBA New Jersey Chapter | 15 Mtn View Rd | Warren | NJ | 07876
Peter Lutz
(908) 672-9150
"Bridging the gaps between Business and Information Technology"
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- 2.
Fw: Project/Program Manager - Contract in NJ or PA
Posted by: "Sabina Margeton" sabinamargeton
Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:27 pm (PST)
--- On Sat, 3/10/12, Jennifer Brennan < > wrote:
From: Jennifer Brennan < >
Subject: Project/Program Manager - Contract in NJ or PA
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2012, 2:03 PM
03/10/12 2:04 PM
Hi! My name is Jennifer and I'm an IT Recruiter for DIVERSANT LLC, an IT Staffing Company.
We have a 6-12 month renewable contract for a Project/Program Manager. Location is open - Upper Gwynedd PA, West Point PA, Rahway NJ or Whitehouse Station NJ.
Job Details:
Program and Project Mgt. including: Financial (estimating, forecasting, tracking, managing), scheduling with MSPS, resource planning and tracking, SDLC, status, issues, risks, communications, and value measurement. MRL IT onboarding training. Understanding of Clinical Trial and Discovery research. Knowledge of imaging archival applications a plus.
If you are qualified and interested, please send me your resume in WORD format ASAP for immediate consideration.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Jennifer Brennan
Sr. Technical Recruiter
61 Broadway
New York, NY 10006
(646) 794-8450
Note: Please allow me to reiterate that I chose to contact you either because your resume had been posted to one of the internet job sites to which we subscribe, or you had previously submitted your resume to DIVERSANT LLC so I assumed that you are either looking for a new employment opportunity, or you are interested in investigating the current job market.
If you are not currently seeking employment, or if you would prefer I contact you at some later date, please indicate your date of availability so that I may honor your request. In any event, I respectfully recommend you continue to avail yourself to the employment options and job market information we provide with our e-mail notices.
Thanks again.
**DIVERSANT LLC Referral Policy: We will pay $10/day up to $2000 for candidate referrals that are deployed successfully on an engagement with one of our clients.
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