Saturday, October 12, 2013

[CNG] Digest Number 2940[3 Attachments]

2 New Messages

Digest #2940


Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:16 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Brian Mecca" bd_mecca

Breakfast Club NJ Presents:  Bruce A.
Hurwitz, Ph.D - "Using Social Media to
Find Your Next Job"

Tomorrow Saturday
October 12, 2013 at 8:00 am
Please share with other groups you may be in.
The Presentation - "Using Social Media to Find Your Next Job"
Dr. Hurwitz will review using
Facebook and Twitter as components of a successful job search.  The focus
of the talk will, however, be on LinkedIn.  He is a "mega-user" with over
37,000 first degree connections.   He will explain how he uses
LinkedIn to find candidates for his clients.  Participants will learn how
to use social media to find a job.
About the speaker:  Bruce A. Hurwitz, Ph.D., the President
and CEO of Hurwitz Strategic Staffing, Ltd., has been an executive recruiter
since 2003.  The author of A Hooker's Guide to Getting a Job:
Parables from the Real World of Career Counseling and Executive Recruiting,
he is a recognized authority on career counseling, recruitment, and employment
issues, having been cited in over 450 articles, appearing in more than 250
publications, nationally and internationally, including The Wall Street
Journal, USA Today and US News & World Report,
as well as on such websites as AOL, CareerBuilder, Monster, The Ladders, and
Yahoo!  An Ambassador for the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, he hosts
their weekly radio program, The Voice of Manhattan Business. 
begins at 7:30 am, meeting starts promptly at 8:00 am.
is a $10 fee at the door to cover the cost of the room.
sure to tell your friends and bring them along.  Be a part of our growing
network of Job Seekers, Hiring Managers, Recruiters, Career Coaches, and people
who want to be able to help themselves and each other.
Event Location:
Days Hotel Conference Center
195 Rt. 18 South, East Brunswick,
NJ 08816
The Breakfast Club NJ - 10 Points for Good
Member Citizenship

1) Attend meetings regularly to keep group
strong and help pay back to others (meeting logistics on our website

2) Keep anti-virus on your machine up to date and run scan regularly

3) Review messages and if request for assistance please help whenever possible

4) Join groups linked in group and connect to other members directly (questions
see Gerry Peyton)

5) Join groups Facebook group and connect to other members directly (questions
see Adrienne Roman)

6) Join groups twitter account (questions see George Pace)

7) If you run across someone in transition invite them to join our group and
sponsor them through process (details on our website

8) Sunday mornings listen to our radio show, "Your Career Is
Calling", at 8am ET either on radio at 107.7 or via internet
24/7 live or on demand at (as this is
a call in show your calls help make it successful)

9) If you are in transition put your elevator pitch in writing to group, ask
for help with job search issues or connecting to people at target companies,
regularly post job opportunities (from email you joined the group - send email

10) Help fellow members whenever possible
Information on "The Breakfast Club NJ": 
There is information below on the location, other
information, etc.  There is a meeting fee of $10 to help us cover the cost
of the hotel conference room for the meeting. 
Go to http://www.thebreakfastclubnj.comfor more information and how to join the Yahoo group. 
You can join the yahoo group at any time; you do not need to have attended a
meeting.  You can also attend meetings at any time without having joined
the yahoo group.
If you have any questions, please let me know ( or send an email to
We look forward to seeing everyone let's make this a great
meeting for our members that are in transition and welcome those that have
Meeting Format:
7:30 to
8:00 – Registration & Open Networking
8:00 to
8:15 - Welcome and housekeeping
8:15 to
9:15 – Presentation by the guest speaker – Limited to 60 minutes
9:15 to
10:15 - Elevator Pitch - 30 Seconds about yourself, who you are, what you are
looking for, target companies (3-4), how we can help you, how you can help
others.  Follow the rule of the Three B's
of Public Speaking: Be informative; Be brief; Be seated.
until  you choose to leave  -  Open Networking, follow up with
people you are interested in meeting following their elevator pitch, exchange
business cards, peruse the library, arrange follow up meetings, etc.
- Make sure you come with the 30 second elevator pitch - honed - including your
targeted companies, your value proposition, etc.
2 - If
you are not already a member of our linked in and Facebook groups please join
3 -
Once linked to our groups - link to each other - a strong network is a vital
component to a successful job search
4 - If
you are a member and new to transition send a brief message to the group (from
the email you joined the breakfast club from) introducing yourself - and what companies you are
targeting - we have 2500+ members that will respond with help where they can
Brian Mecca
The Breakfast Club NJ
Director Member Services
Manager, Infrastructure and Technology
Keep the faith, keep networking, never give up, never say die. 
That position you are looking for may be just around the corner, but
you have to go look for it, it is not going to come to you.
Best regards,

Brian Mecca
Senior Manager of Infrastructure and Technology
Follow me on Twitter at
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Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:25 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Thomas Donohue" donohue83

Ramsey JSWT Members:

Listed below are next week'supcoming Networking Events. All meetings are open to the public, plus you arewelcome and strongly encouraged to attend. Try attending at least one or twomeetings a week, what you learn there will definitely help shorten your time intransition. Also, many of these groups convene in the evening, so it will nottake time away from your daily job search activities.

Think of these meetings asopportunities, sort of like going to school, to learn something that can reduceyour time in transition by gaining knowledge in job search and interviewingskills needed to excel and standout from your competition.

In traveling to these meetings,consider car pooling. Not only will it reduce the cost of driving there, butthe friendly conversation will make the ride seem to go much faster.

If anyone is aware of an upcomingmeeting that you would like to share with the group, please let me know and Iwill gladly include it. Also, if any transition support group would like toreceive this list, let me know and I will add your group to the list.

Thank you,

Tom Donohue

Next Week'sUpcoming Networking Events

Saturday, October12th from 7:30 - 10:15 am: The Breakfast Club will host BruceA. Hurwitz, President and CEO of Hurwitz Strategic Staffing, who will givea presentation titled: Using Social Media to Find Your Next Job. Dr.Hurwitz will review using Facebook and Twitter as components of a successfuljob search. The focus of the talk will, however, be on LinkedIn. He is amega-user with over 37,000 first degree connections. Dr. Hurwitz will explainhow he uses LinkedIn to find candidates for his clients. Participants willlearn how to use social media to find a job. More information is available at The meeting is at the DaysHotel Conference Center, 195 Rt. 18 South, East Brunswick, NJ 08816. There is a meeting fee of $10 to cover thecost of the hotel conference room.

Saturday,October 12th from 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm: The New YorkScience, Industry and Business Library will host John Crant, who will give a presentation titled: Interview Intervention: The Self-RecruiterInterview Checklist. John will showhow to research a job opportunity that you are about to interview for, to fullyprepare for interview success, and the right way to follow-up after yourinterview. The meeting is at the NewYork Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street,New York, NY 10016.

Saturday,October 12th from 2:00 - 3:00 am: The Westport PublicLibrary will host a special program titled: Introducing Google Glass. Computer and technology expert MichaelJ. Miller, former PC Magazine editor-in-chief, will discuss anddemonstrate Google Glass, a wearable computer that answers questions anddisplays information on a tiny screen above your eye. Glass, which is beingdeveloped by Google, is currently only a limited preview, but similar devicesshould be available for consumers in the near future. Many experts think thathands-free wearable computers are the next step after smart phones. This isyour chance to see one in action. If youare seeking employment in the IT industry, this could be a fun way to networkwith professional colleagues in a social setting who may be able to help you,plus learn firsthand about an emerging new technology. Additional information is available on thelibrary's website at: The meeting is at theWestport Public Library, 20 Jesup Road, Westport, CT 06880.

Sunday, from 8:00– 9:00 am. Every Sunday morning tune into Your Career is Calling on 107.7 FM, The Bronc, the on-campus radiostation at Rider University. Hosts Frank Kovacs and Wanda Ellet bring you the best career advice, no matter what stageyour career is in. Special guest this week is John Hadley, a career coach. Whether you are in transition, looking for abetter opportunity, or even a college student, Your Career is Calling has youcovered. Nearly every single week, theyare joined by a special guest to cover a unique topic. Don't forget to tune into 107.7 FM The Bronc, or 107.7 The Bronc's free Android and IPhoneApps. Listeners can reach the studiowith their questions at 1-877-900-1077.

Monday, October 14thfrom 10:00 am - 11:00 am: Webinar, featuring Lisa Rangel of Chameleon Resumes, whowill give a presentation titled: Howto Create a Branded Resume that Gets You Noticed. Lisa will discuss 1) How tofix common resume mistakes, 2) Optimum formatting, learn where recruiters wantto find information on your resume, 3) Word choices, and 4) Achievement drivenlanguage, everyone looks for results. Click here for the details and toRegister Now.

Monday, October 14thfrom 10:30 am - 1:00 pm: Professional Service Group of Central NJ will hostRichard Bahner, who will give a presentation titled: Managing Career Change Using the CareerDNAProduct with the SuccessDNA Change Management Program. Additional information is available at: The meeting will be at First United MethodistChurch of Somerville, 48 West High Street, Somerville, NJ 08876.

Monday, October14th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm: Northern Bergen County Networking Group (NBCNG) will host Nita Silimkhan, who will give apresentation titled: Interactive Demonstration on Using Google Plus in JobSearch. The meeting is at PondsReformed Church, 341 Ramapo Valley Road/Route 202, Oakland, NJ 07436. We meet in Fellowship Hall in the basement behind the church, across from theCHASE bank drive-thru.

Monday, October 14thfrom 7:30 - 9:00 pm: New Providence United Methodist Church will host Lloyd Feinstein, a career coach, whowill give the fifth in a series of seven presentations titled: Death by Document - The Marketing Resume. If you have any questions about the upcomingseminar, please call: 1-908-464-5535. The meeting is at New Providence United Methodist Church, 1441Springfield Ave., New Providence, NJ 07974.

Tuesday, October15th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library willhost Barry Cohen, CUNYEmployment Coordinator, who will give a presentation titled: Powerful First Impressions: How to Find andGet the Job You Really Want. Barrywill discuss the hidden techniques and strategies you need to ace that next jobinterview. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry andBusiness Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.

Tuesday, October15th from 7:00 - 9:00 pm: Temple Beth Shalom Career NetworkingGroup will host Marty Latman,Chairman of the Bergen Chapter of Financial Executive Network Group, who willgive a presentation titled: Working theRoom. When you attend networking orbusiness meetings are you successful in promoting yourself? Are you unsure of the best ways to do this orwould you like to improve your technique? Do you leave the meeting feeling that you really accomplishedsomething? If you would like to improveyour networking skills and to really get the most out of working the room, youshould attend this presentation. Pleaseregister at: The meeting isat Temple Beth Shalom, 193 East Mount Pleasant Avenue, Livingston, NJ 07039.

Tuesday, October15th from 7:30 - 9:30 pm: The Career Forum will host Lloyd Feinstein, a career coach, whowill give a presentation titled: ABC'sof Salary Negotiations. For more information contact Sylvia Velez at 1-908-630-3530 or email The meeting is at the Somerset Hills YMCA,140 Mt. Airy Rd, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920.

Wednesday, October16th from 9:30 - 11:30 am: Women-Helping-Women,a program of WestchesterJewish Community Services, will host Ettie Shapiro, Principal, Coaching Results, whowill give a presentation titled: TimeManagement: Boot Camp for Job Seekers. In this workshop we will examine and apply time management principles tothe job search in today's world, where change is the norm. In this environment,developing strategies for getting everything done, while maintaining balanceand quality of life, is more important than ever. Ettie will discuss: Is the job search a fulltime job? Registration is required; pleasecontact Lenore Rosenbaum,W-H-W Program Director, at or 1-761-0600 x308. The meeting is at Westchester Jewish Community Services,845 North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603.

Wednesday, October16th from 9:30 am - 12:00 noon: The Professional Support Group of MorrisCounty (PSGMC) will host Maya Ollson,co-author of Crack the Job Search Code, who will give a presentation titled: Developing Your Hallmark Signature. Maya knows that companies buy results: Onceyou're in transition, it is your responsibility, as President of You, Inc., toconvey to an employer the value that you bring and to sell yourself toprospective employers. This workshop will focus on identifying your hallmarksignature, the results you have accomplished and how to sell yourselfthroughout the interview process. Additionalinformation is available at: The meeting will be at the Parsippany TroyHills Library, 449 Halsey Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054.

Wednesday, October16th from 1:00 - 3:00 pm: The New York Science, Industry and BusinessLibrary will offer a program titled: Cloneof WorkSearch Orientation. Are you a40+ job seeker? WorkSearch is anonline system which provides links to job openings, skills assessment tools,and training programs at no cost to individuals. After taking the orientation, WorkSearch is accessible toregistrants through the Internet, or through Library computers. Attendees will be shown how to download theinformation to a USB flash drive (Bring your own USB drive). The meeting is at the New York Science,Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY10016.

Wednesday, October16th from 1:30 - 4:30 pm: The NJ Chapter of the ChemPharma Association willhost Pete Meluso, Sr. Labor Relations and EEOSpecialist at BASF, who will give a presentation titled: Job Search 2013: Navigating the Crazy River. Since the great economic and jobs collapse of2008 the topic of job search has taken a front seat in many circles. Pete willshare some essential background information with you that departs from much ofthe standard advice offered during most of these talks. He will explain what isconsidered heresy or given too little attention by many experts in the JobSearch field, i.e. that it may not be anything that you are doing wrong that iscontributing to your seemingly interminable job search. In addition, Pete willreview observations from his extensive experience about what you can do tocontinue your search with a much great sense of balance. He will shareinformation about Resumes, Interviews, Networking and Social Media all basedupon the way HR folks on the inside are more inclined to view things. It willbecome crystal clear that there is no just right approach to this topic inthese times. You will need to adopt a new paradigm that becomes flexible,opportunistic and allows for experimentation as the rapid pace of change showsthat every tried and true job search method needs to be challenged based uponsituational awareness. For additionalinformation, contact Peter Nirchio at Please register at: at The meeting is at Morris County Library, 30East Hanover Ave, Whippany, NJ 07981.

Wednesday, October16th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry andBusiness Library will host Hal Eskenazi,who will give a presentation titled: InterviewCoach 24-7. Hal will discuss theinterviewing process and offers tips for a successful interview. The meeting is at the New York Science,Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY10016.

Thursday, October17th from 7:00 - 9:00 pm: Northern NJ Professionals in Transition willhost: Marty Latman, Chairman of theBergen Chapter of Financial Executive Network Group (FENG), who will give apresentation titled: In transition - Nowwhat do I do? Being in-transitionfor a short or long period of time can be a very stressful. You can getdepressed, angry and confused. You can lose your self-confidence. What can youdo to change this situation? How do you get back into the "game"? How do youchange this negative situation into a positive experience? Attendees at all levels will learn about theobstacles they need to overcome during this period to succeed, the methods theyneed to use to change their situation and ways to make being in-transition aproductive, meaningful and positive time in their lives. The meeting is at the Maplewood PublicLibrary, 51 Baker St, Maplewood, NJ 07040.

Thursday, October17th from 10:00 am - 12:00 Noon: The Princeton Public Library and theProfessional Service Group of Mercer will co-host Philip Bartfield, who will give apresentation titled: LinkedIn forthe Job Search. Philip will discuss how recruiters use LinkedIn tosearch for candidates. This information will help you learn how to adjust andupdate your LinkedIn profile for increased effectiveness and visibility. The meeting is at the Princeton PublicLibrary, 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542.

Thursday, October17th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry andBusiness Library will host CharlesMoldenhauer, who will give a presentation titled: Sell Yourself as a Consultant. Charles will show you how to plan,brand, and then execute a program for yourself using new and direct methods totake your expertise and become a successful consultant. The meeting is at theNew York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34thStreet, New York, NY 10016.

Friday, October18th from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon: The Philadelphia Chapter of the ChemPharmaAssociation will host Sue Kaiden ofCareeredge. To succeed in this jobmarket, you need a sound strategy and plan that will move you in the directionyou want to go. Sue will discuss how todevelop a strategic plan for your search. Please register at: A parking pass available at Philadelphia Parking Pass Fall 2013. For additional information, contact The meeting is atVillanova University, Health Services Building, Room 200, 800 Lancaster Ave,Villanova, PA 19085.

Saturday, October19th from 8:15 - 10:30 am: The Saint Gregory the Great Networking Group(SGGNG) will host Amy Raditz, whowill give a presentation titled: JobSearch is a Team Sport. The meetingis at Saint Gregory the Great' Church, 4680 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, NJ08690.

Saturday, October19th from 8:30 - 11:00 am: Careers in Transition (CIT) meeting. Individualsgive a 15 second elevator speech about themselves -- who you are, what you arelooking for, target companies (2-3), how the group can help you, and how youcan help the group. This is followed by a short period for networking withpeople you would like to introduce yourself to and exchange business cards. Thegroup then divides into smaller teams for: 1) Resume Assistance, (Please bring15 copies of your resume if you want it reviewed.) or 2) Support in OvercomingJob Search Obstacles. This includes: A) Small group advice for individuals whohave hit the wall and need help to reinvigorate their job search, or B) Largegroup discussion on various job search related topics. The meeting is in theWinston School Gym at Christ Church, 30 East Lane, Short Hills, NJ 07078.

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