Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)
- 1.
- Fwd: Help each other out From: Peter Lutz
- 2.
- Fwd: What Your Resume Says About You [] From: Peter Lutz
- 3.
- Fw: IT Project Manager with Data Center Experience Needed for Top Fi From: Sabina Margeton
- 4.
- Fwd: [TheBreakfastClubNJ] Marketing Mgr - Roseland, NJ From: Peter Lutz
- 5.
- Interesting Article for Job Searchers: How one recruiter reviews res From: Terrence Seamon
- 6.
- Fwd: JOB From: Peter Lutz
- 1.
Fwd: Help each other out
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:56 am (PDT)
Peter Lutz
(908) 672-9150
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Harvey Mackay" < >
Date: Jun 24, 2010 7:02 AM
Subject: Help each other out
To: < >
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Harvey Mackay's Column This Week
Help each other out
By Harvey Mackay
Down on the farm, a mouse peeked through a crack in the wall and saw the
farmer's wife open a small package. Thinking at first it might be a tasty
treat, the mouse grew very concerned when he realized that it was a
The mouse immediately took to the farmyard to warn all the other animals,
"There's a mousetrap in the house!" The response he got was not
The hen clucked, raised her head and said, "It's not my problem! Mousetraps
are of no concern to me."
The pig was no more helpful. "I am sorry to hear that, but all I can do is
hope that you don't get caught in it. I hope that helps."
The cow was unsympathetic. "I am powerless over a mousetrap. It's really
no big deal, as far as I am concerned."
The mouse was hungry by this time, and returned to his hole in the wall to
wait for the farmer and his wife to go to sleep. Finally, when it was very
dark, he ventured out in search of some cheese. The sound of the mousetrap
catching its prey awakened everyone.
The farmer's wife rushed out to see what was in the trap. What happened
next surprised everyone. In the dark, she did not see the venomous snake
that had entered the house looking for a mouse dinner. But the snake's
tail got caught in the trap, and the snake bit her. The farmer rushed her
to the hospital, but when she came home, she still had a fever.
Figuring that chicken soup would be a good remedy for the fever, the farmer
sacrificed the chicken for the soup. But her condition didn't improve, and
friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock so the farmer
could tend to his crops and animals. In order to feed them all, the farmer
butchered the pig. Even so, the wife did not survive the fever. So many
people came to her funeral that the farmer had to slaughter the cow to
provide meat for the luncheon.
And the mouse watched the events unfold with great sadness from his little
hole in the wall, because all the friends who had ignored his warning were
We all know mouse stories like that: we see a problem and try to warn our
co-workers but they don't see the big picture. Suddenly, or so it seems,
the domino effect has tumbled through department after department and no one
seems to know how it happened.
When one area of your company is in trouble, chances are good that the
problems will trickle down to rain on everyone. Sales are slumping? Then
production will be affected at some point because the product isn't moving.
Similarly, production issues can cast a cloud on sales when products aren't
available when customers need them.
Phone lines and websites that crash can shut down an operation in a hurry,
even if sales are up and production is on schedule. A snowstorm, hurricane
or flood will halt the most efficient, best-run businesses, unless
contingency plans are in place for remote operation.
As one who deals in morals of the story, I think the moral here is very
clear: All the parts need to work together to keep the whole body moving
Whether you are a one-person operation or a major corporation, there is one
question that you should always ask -- and answer: What can go wrong? What
can make your best-laid plans fall apart? What would be the worst-case
scenario? And how can you respond to it?
If you've ever played the child's game "Mousetrap" you
know that you can progress through the obstacles until you almost reach the
"cheese." Then, when you least expect it, the dreaded mousetrap falls.
Play "Mousetrap" with your staff. Think about likely as well as outrageous
eventualities that you would need to address: The whole staff gets sick
from tainted birthday cake and the office has to shut down for a week. A
long-term power outage knocks out every machine and all communications on
the planet. The city tears up the streets around your business during your
busiest season. An asteroid hits your city. Your bank fails and ties up
your payroll. Your biggest competitor builds a better mousetrap.
It's not so different from the lesson you learned in school -- the time to
study for a test is before you take it.
Mackay's Moral: Be prepared, or be prepared to fail.
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- 2.
Fwd: What Your Resume Says About You []
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:58 am (PDT)
Peter Lutz
(908) 672-9150
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "CAREEREALISM» Career Advice, Personal Branding & Job Search Help from
Top Career Experts" < >
Date: Jun 24, 2010 7:23 AM
Subject: What Your Resume Says About You []
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What Your Resume Says About You
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What Your Resume Says About
You< >~r/Careerealism/ ~3/OzTw2i3BvE8/ ?utm_source= feedburner& utm_medium= email
Posted: 23 Jun 2010 10:00 PM PDT
By CAREEREALISM-Approved Expert, Heather Huhman You want your résumé to
impress the future employer reading it. It's the first impression you'll get
to make, but it's amazing how many people continue to gloss over errors. In
the job market today, you need to ensure your résumé is going to be read...
To get this useful advice and many other helpful career resources, visit us
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- 3.
Fw: IT Project Manager with Data Center Experience Needed for Top Fi
Posted by: "Sabina Margeton" sabinamargeton
Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:59 am (PDT)
Please contact recruiter directly.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: " " < >
Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 9:34:17 AM
Subject: IT Project Manager with Data Center Experience Needed for Top Financial Firm
Good Morning,
My name is Kevin Verbovsky and I'm a Recruiter at Diversant. You've received this email because the skills in your resume matched our search criteria for an IT Project Manager with Data Center experience in our database. It is possible that you may not be best suited for this particular position, but we have multiple positions available in all areas and levels of IT where you may be interested and better suited.
Please respond if you are qualified, available, interested, planning to make a change, or know of a friend who might have the required qualifications and interest in working with us as we have an excellent referral program.
Below is the job description to which I am referring:
Immediate need for a talented IT Project Manager with Data Center experience that brings experience in the Financial Services Industry. This is a 6 month contract opportunity with long-term potential and is located in Hopewell, NJ.
Key Responsibilities:
* Management of multiple IT projects of various sizes.
* These projects include Data Center (i.e. migrations, build outs and infrastructure changes), Branch (i.e. roll outs and infrastructure updates) and product deployment efforts.
* The major focus of this position is the coordination of multiple teams (i.e. integration, packaging, QA and deployment), good communication and documentation.
* Other aspects include scheduling, negotiation, risk management, issues management, planning and control.
Key Requirements and Technology Experience:
* MS Office applications
* MS Project and
* MS Visio
Our client is a leading financial institution and we are currently interviewing to fill this and other similar contract positions. Qualified candidates should Apply Now for immediate consideration.
Due to the nature of the position, Diversant can only consider direct applicants. Third party resumes will not be considered.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Kevin Verbovsky
Note: Please allow me to reiterate that I chose to contact you either because your resume had been posted to one of the internet job sites to which we subscribe, or you had previously submitted your resume to Info Technologies Inc. I assumed that you are either looking for a new employment opportunity, or you are interested in investigating the current job market.
If you are not currently seeking employment, or if you would prefer I contact you at some later date, please indicate your date of availability so that I may honor your request. In any event, I respectfully recommend you continue to avail yourself to the employment options and job market information we provide with our e-mail notices.
If you would like to unsubscribe, please click here.
- 4.
Fwd: [TheBreakfastClubNJ] Marketing Mgr - Roseland, NJ
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:01 pm (PDT)
Peter Lutz
(908) 672-9150
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Denise" < >
Date: Jun 24, 2010 12:01 PM
Subject: [TheBreakfastClubNJ] Marketing Mgr - Roseland, NJ
Marketing Manager (CPA firm)
Position Available in Roseland, New Jersey
If you qualify for this position, click on the following link to apply:
http://thejobhunter.jobthread. <http://www.linkedincom/job/marketin g-manager- cpa-firm- roseland- nj-8dd0852ca0/ ?d=1&excluded_ view=1 .com/redirect? >url=http% 3A%2F%2Fthejobhu nter%2Ejobthread %2Ecom%2Fjob% 2Fmarketing- manager-cpa- firm-roseland- nj-8dd0852ca0% 2F%3Fd%3D1% 26excluded_ view%3D1& urlhash=Ad4G
Thank you,
Steven Coyne
The Job Hunter Group
Job Title: Marketing Manager (CPA firm)
Job Location: Roseland, NJ
Job ID: MS_1811-001
The Marketing Manager is responsible for monitoring and managing the Firm's
branding efforts to ensure consistency and effectiveness of visual brand and
messaging in This includes:
Implementation of the overall branding strategy
Development and creation of external marketing materials, including
brochures, profiles, newsletters, direct mail campaign materials,
advertising and other print and electronic collateral materials.
Oversees and manages the production of content and materials.
Development and oversight of internal branding programs, particularly as
they relate to increasing internal recognition, understanding and use of the
Firm's brand.
Develop every aspect of ad campaigns based on Firm/practice marketing
strategy and plans, conceptualize those ideas for (internal) clients, assign
projects to staff and monitor progress.
Provides hands-on creative assistance as required, particularly as staff
is developed.
Manage outside resources, including vendors, photographers, printers and
freelancers. Traffic work/projects, including print and advertising jobs.
Departmental operation responsibilities include:
Supervision of production marketing staff
Assists the Director of Marketing in setting Department goals.
Represents the Department on firm-wide committees and initiatives, as
5-8 years of relevant experience
Excellent knowledge of major design applications (e.g. Quark, InDesign)
and working knowledge of Flash, Photoshop and Illustrator. Understanding of
interactive media production.
Superior understanding of marcom strategies and tactics, including
technologies. Thorough understanding of art direction. Thorough
understanding of on- and offline marcom elements production.
Superior leadership and collaboration skills. Excellent communication and
persuasion skills.
Superior understanding of advertising and marketing principles.
Demonstrated talent for high-caliber creative conceptualization and writing.
Ability to judge creative concepts and copy, and clearly communicate
creative direction to others.
Thorough understanding of (internal) clients and their business/industry.
If you qualify for this position, click on the following link to apply:
http://thejobhunter.jobthread. <http://www.linkedincom/job/marketin g-manager- cpa-firm- roseland- nj-8dd0852ca0/ ?d=1&excluded_ view=1 .com/redirect? >url=http% 3A%2F%2Fthejobhu nter%2Ejobthread %2Ecom%2Fjob% 2Fmarketing- manager-cpa- firm-roseland- nj-8dd0852ca0% 2F%3Fd%3D1% 26excluded_ view%3D1& urlhash=Ad4G
Thank you,
Steven Coyne
The Job Hunter Group
- 5.
Interesting Article for Job Searchers: How one recruiter reviews res
Posted by: "Terrence Seamon" thseamon
Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:01 pm (PDT)
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: " " < >
Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 11:37:17 AM
Subject: Interesting Article for Job Searchers
This article from a recruiter looked pretty important in the job search process. It may be something we would want to share...
How Recruiters Read Resumes In 10 Seconds or Less
.By Brad Remillard
The 10 or 20 seconds it takes to
read a resume seems to always generate a lot of controversy. Candidates comment
on how disrespectful it is, how one canât possibly read a resume in that time
and some get angry at recruiters when we talk about this. I hope this article
will help everyone understand how we do this. I realize that some still may not
like it and will still be angry, but at least you can understand how it works.
First, let me say Iâve been a
recruiter for 30 years. Iâm sure I have reviewed over 500,000 resumes. I
canât prove this but Iâm reasonably confident that this is the case, as this is
only an average of about 46 a day. I know many days I have reviewed hundreds of
resumes and most in less than 20 seconds. I would say the average is probably
around 5 to 7 seconds.
So for the record when you hear or
read about, âreading a resume in 20 seconds,â that isnât completely true. It is
more than likely, âreviewed the resume in 20 seconds.â
Here is my process for getting
through 100âs of resumes in a short period of time. Others may have different
ways and I welcome your comments.
I set up a hierarchy of certain
âmust havesâ or youâre out, so at first Iâm really just box checking.
Generally, 80% of the time these are my knock out blows. There are exceptions to
each of these, but Iâm dealing with the 80/20 rule. These are not cumulative
times. This is box checking, if I see any one of these as I scan your
resume you will be excluded.
1. Location. If the
client is in Los Angeles, CA and you arenât â" goodbye. Few if any clients want
to relocate anyone in this economy, and I believe most shouldnât have to.
Especially in a huge metropolitan area like Los Angeles. If they do have to
consider relocation the position has to require some very unique experience
that few jobs do. I can do this in about 1 second.
2. Industry. If my
client is in banking and your background is primarily manufacturing â"
goodbye. These two often are so different that the client isnât open to
considering such different industries. This works both ways, if you have a
manufacturing background Iâm not going to consider someone with banking.
2-3 seconds to determine this.
3. Function. If Iâm
doing a sales search and your background isnât sales â" goodbye. Generally
companies are paying recruiters to find them a perfect fit. We never do find a
perfect fit, but we have to be very close. They donât need a recruiter to find
them someone in a completely different function. 2 seconds to figure this one
4. Level. If Iâm doing
a VP level search and your title is âmanagerâ and you have never been a VP â"
goodbye. There are exceptions to this, but again it is the 80/20 rule. Again,
clients pay me to find them the perfect fit. It is generally way too big of a
jump from manager level to VP level, all other things being equal. It works the
other way too. If Iâm looking for a manager and you are a VP â" goodbye. I
know you are qualified to do a manager level role, but it is clear you have
grown past. Most clients and recruiters arenât willing to take the chance that
when a VP level position comes along that you wonât be gone. Less than 5
seconds to figure out.
5. Recent Experience. There is some overlap on this one. If Iâm searching for someone with
international sales experience in the aerospace industry and the last time you
held an international sales position in this industry was 20 years ago and
since then you have been in retail â" goodbye. I can find people with more
relevant experience and that is what my client expects me to do. 5 seconds to
do this.
6. Education Like it
or not, I will only work with people that have a college education and most of
the time a masterâs degree. This is mainly because, as I indicated before, I
need to find the very best for my clients. I realize an education doesnât mean
by itself that the candidate is the best, but it is one qualifier of many. Also
all of my clients require at least a BA.
7.Turnover. If you
have had 6 jobs in the last 4 years, or have a track record of high turnover â"
goodbye. I realize there are good reasons for turnover and that falls into the
20% of the 80/20 rule. I canât define high turnover, but I know it when I see
it. 3 â" 5 seconds.
8. Functional resume. I donât read them. It is obvious when one has a functional resume they are
trying to hide something and Iâm rarely going to take the time to attempt to
figure it out. 1 second.
9. Obvious things such
as, spelling errors, poor format, errors in grammar, too long, verbose and
rambling. If after reading it I still canât figure out what you do, goodbye. 5
â" 10 seconds
After all this, 80 â" 100% have been
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Brad Remillard
- 6.
Fwd: JOB
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:02 pm (PDT)
Peter Lutz
(908) 672-9150
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Michelle Rounds" <michelle@vertexsolutionsinc. >com
Date: Jun 24, 2010 5:37 PM
Subject: JOB
To: "PETER LUTZ" < >
My client in downtown NYC has a great consulting opportunity for the right
person. If you feel that you are a good match than please forward your
resume to me along with an expected hourly rate and I will call you further
to discuss.
*Responsibilities: *Direct all incident management activities, including:
§ Reporting (logging) of incidents, defects and change requests
o Determine type of resolution: development or user training, defect or
change request
o Determine priority, severity and development owner
§ Defects:
o Coordinate all level 1 and 2 help desk response
o Ensure appropriate severity and business priority is assigned to
o Ensure incidents are communicated to appropriate vendor or internal
resources for response commesurate with SLAs
o Escalate business issues where appropriate
o Manage the end-to-end response, including:
· Monitor development by vendor in accordance with release schedule
· Coordinate UAT participants
· Coordinate release testing and deployment
· Prepare release communications
o Prepare management reports, including aging of defects, measurement
against SLAs, and overall vendor performance
§ Change requests:
o Conduct prioritization meetings with business stakeholders to ensure
appropriate severity and priorities are assigned
o Ensure appropriate business impact or business case is prepared by the
business users (where appropriate)
o Ensure requirements sessions are scheduled for change requests that are
approved by the business stakeholders
o Manage the requirements completion and sign-off process
o Ensure that the items are scheduled for a release
§ For complex requests (projects), ensure that a development manager is
assigned and project is initiated
§ For requests that don't require project initiation:
· Monitor development by vendor in accordance with release schedule
· Coordinate UAT participants
· Coordinate release testing and deployment
· Prepare release communications
· Understanding of the fundamentals of insurance operations and
commercial policy life-cycle
· Understanding of software development lifecycle
· Strong analysis, planning and organizational skills
· Demonstrated vendor management experience and comfort with
monitoring outsourced services
· Exceptional written/verbal communication skills; ability to
complex concepts clearly, both verbally and in writing
· Ability to work collaboratively with others at all levels
· Comfortable working in a matrixed environment
· Ability to adapt to change, and support others as new workflows are
defined and implemented
· Commercial insurance experience with focus on Commercial Property,
Professional Liability, Casualty and Healthcare businesses
· Broad knowledge across multiple business functions including
underwriting, claims, reinsurance and financial accounting
BA or BS degree
Michelle Rounds
Sr. Technical Recruiter
Vertex Solutions Inc
michelle@vertexsolutionsinc. com
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