Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)
- 1.
- Article "Tips for Surviving the Job Hunt During the Holidays" From: Peter Lutz
- 2.
- 5 Resume Tips: Do What Most Job Seekers Don't From: Peter Lutz
- 1.
Article "Tips for Surviving the Job Hunt During the Holidays"
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:10 am (PST)
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From: "Ruthie Powell" < >
Date: Dec 16, 2011 8:01 AM
Subject: [Atlanta Business Links] Article "Tips for Surviving the Job Hunt
During the Holidays"
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Thursday, December 15th, 2011
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& Marketing: 'Tis the Season to Get Experience
Cachinko Webinar – Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 11 a.m. PST / 2 p.m. EST
Even Santa needs good PR sometimes! This webinar will focus on experience
opportunities PR & marketing students can take advantage of during breaks,
after school, and in class.
Learning Objectives:
* Discover new ways to gain PR & marketing experience
* Learn strategies to make the most out of PR & marketing experience
* Hear real questions asked by aspiring PR & marketing professionals
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Job Search Challenges < >download. aspx?ID=50001& GUID=%7BF4B566E9 -151B-442E- 809B-F84451C0A2E 1%7D
About the Speaker: Heather R. Huhman is the Career & Recruiting Advisor for
Cachinko. She is also the founder & president of Come Recommended < >15270031/ 2250/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fcomerecomme 2F%3Futm_ source%3Dstreams end%26utm_ medium%3Demail% 26utm_content% 3D15270031% 26utm_campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
, author of < >15270031/ 2252/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fheatherhuhm hipbook%2F% 3Futm_source% 3Dstreamsend% 26utm_medium% 3Demail%26utm_ content%3D152700 31%26utm_ campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
Lies, Damned Lies & Internships: The Truth About Getting from Classroom to
Cubicle (2011), < >15270031/ 2254/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fwww. 2FENTRYLEVELtwee t-Book01- Taking-Classroom -Cubicle% 2Fdp%2F161699024 4%2F%3Futm_ source%3Dstreams end%26utm_ medium%3Demail% 26utm_content% 3D15270031% 26utm_campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
#ENTRYLEVELtweet: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle (2010), and
writes career and recruiting advice for numerous outlets < >15270031/ 2256/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fcomerecomme 2Fabout%2Fteam% 2F%3Futm_ source%3Dstreams end%26utm_ medium%3Demail% 26utm_content% 3D15270031% 26utm_campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
What's Next? Part 1: 8 Steps to Take After Submitting an Application
When you know the next steps in your job search, everything seems a lot
In this three part series, I will write all about what's next in the job
search – after submitting an application, after interviewing, and after
receiving a job offer.
You've scored an awesome job lead, tailored your resume, crafted an
inspirational cover letter and sent it away to your (hopefully) next
employer. What's next?
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After review <
http://blog.cachinko. >com/blog/ wp-content/ uploads/2011/ 12/Highway- Sign.jpg
What's Next? Part 2: 3 Steps to Take After an Interview
You researched, applied, and scored that interview. You did your best and
answered all the questions, but what's next?
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Stressed out student <
http://blog.cachinko. >com/blog/ wp-content/ uploads/2011/ 12/2d.jpg
7 Tips on Handling Your Job Search During the Holidays
If you've found yourself looking for a job this time of year, it can be a
little disheartening. Seasonal help has been hired and employers are simply
focusing their efforts elsewhere.
It can be pretty easy to throw up your hands and resort to eating your
niece's gingerbread house. While that's not necessarily a bad idea, check
out these seven tips to rock your job search during the holidays…
Read more < >15270031/ 2262/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fblog. cachinko. com%2F2011% 2F11%2F30% 2F7-tips- on-handling- your-job- search-during- the-holidays% 2F%3Futm_ source%3Dstreams end%26utm_ medium%3Demail% 26utm_content% 3D15270031% 26utm_campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
So many skills! <
http://blog.cachinko. >com/blog/ wp-content/ uploads/2011/ 11/1117_holiday- job_390x220. jpg
News You Might Have Missed…
< >15270031/ 2264/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fblog. resumebear. com%2Fcollege- graduates% 2Fgreat-tips- for-job-seekers- on-twitter% 2F%3Futm_ source%3Dfeedbur ner%26amp% 3Butm_medium% 3Dfeed%26amp% 3Butm_campaign% 3DFeed%253A% 2Bresumebear% 252FLZbo% 2B%2528ResumeBea r%2BBlog% 2529%26utm_ source%3Dstreams end%26utm_ medium%3Demail% 26utm_content% 3D15270031% 26utm_campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
Great Tips for Job Seekers on Twitter
5 Areas That Can Reinvent, Reimagine, and Reinvigorate Your Business! < >15270031/ 2268/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fwww. personalbranding 2F5-areasthat- can-reinvent- reimagine- and-reinvigorate -your-business% 2F%3Futm_ source%3Drss% 26amp%3Butm_ medium%3Drss% 26amp%3Butm_ campaign% 3D5-areasthat- can-reinvent- reimagine- and-reinvigorate -your-business% 26utm_source% 3Dstreamsend% 26utm_medium% 3Demail%26utm_ content%3D152700 31%26utm_ campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
ResumeBear, 12/05/11
Deborah Shane, Personal Branding Blog, 11/28/11
How to Use Google Voice as a Job Search Tool < >15270031/ 2274/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fwww. thejobbored. com%2Fhow- to-use-google- voice-as- a-job-search- tool_1877% 2F%3Futm_ source%3Dfeedbur ner%26amp% 3Butm_medium% 3Dfeed%26amp% 3Butm_campaign% 3DFeed%253A% 2BThejobbored% 2B%2528TheJobBor ed%2529%26amp% 3Butm_content% 3DGoogle% 2BReader% 26utm_source% 3Dstreamsend% 26utm_medium% 3Demail%26utm_ content%3D152700 31%26utm_ campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
How Job Seekers Are Using Mobile < >15270031/ 2278/gFyMfTJ/ ynn4?redirect_ to=http%3A% 2F%2Fmashable. com%2F2011% 2F11%2F27% 2Fmobile- jobs-infographic %2F%3Futm_ source%3Dfeedbur ner%26amp% 3Butm_medium% 3Dfeed%26amp% 3Butm_campaign% 3DFeed%253A% 2BMashable% 2B%2528Mashable% 2529%26utm_ source%3Dstreams end%26utm_ medium%3Demail% 26utm_content% 3D15270031% 26utm_campaign% 3DTips%2520for% 2520Surviving% 2520the%2520Job% 2520Hunt% 2520During% 2520the%2520Holi days
TheJobBored, 11/30/11
Lauren Drell, Mashable, 11/27/11
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- 2.
5 Resume Tips: Do What Most Job Seekers Don't
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:13 am (PST)
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From: "Gary Wright - Wright Associates" < >
Date: Dec 16, 2011 8:01 AM
Subject: [NewEnglandNetworking] 5 Resume Tips: Do What Most Job Seekers
To: <newenglandnetworking@yahoogroups. >com
*5 Resume Tips: Do What Most Job Seekers Don't*
When it comes to writing a great resume, there are no hard and fast rules
or specific formats that you should adhere to; however, your resume should
be targeted to each specific job that you are applying to. In addition, it
must be concise, clear, command attention and stand out from the pack.
*Include a Title for the Job You Want*
Use a professional title for the position that you want. An improper job
title will only serve to position you at a level far below the
responsibility or salary level you are seeking to achieve. Including a job
title can greatly increase the number of interview calls that you get for
higher positions and improve your chances of clinching a higher salary -
and when you start at a higher salary, your career growth is also
*Include an Executive Summary (what you can do for them) - Not an Objective
An executive summary should be clear and well defined, consisting of a
short paragraph or four to five bulleted points. It should focus on how
your skills can benefit the employer, not on what the employer can do for
you. Using action words will help to convey you as an intelligent and
active individual capable of making contributions to accomplish company
goals. Highlight your strengths and achievements clearly and quickly.
Recruiters and hiring managers want to see information that is to the
point, and hardly have time to dig for buried nuggets of information hidden
in your resume.
*Include Relevant Information*
Let's state the obvious - your resume is targeted at landing interviews. In
effect, you are advertising your capabilities and experience. Therefore,
you need to provide precise, accurate and relevant information. Your resume
should be able to convey relevant information, but at the same time, the
resume should also convey a message that if the hiring manager buys this
product (YOU) it will lead to positive and direct benefits in specific
areas where their needs exist (the job).
*Brag - With PROOF!*
When it comes to your resume, you can forget modesty. Brag if you have
irrefutable proof that establishes you as an outstanding performer (notice
I didn't say exaggerate or lie). Give your resume an accomplishment-driven
profile. Accomplishments are results you produce by resolving problems, or
when you overcome a real or perceived obstacle. Mention any project that
you spearheaded that served to heighten employee morale, revenues or
company savings. Formulate 'Problem-Action-Result' (PAR) statements to
convey your ability for producing similar or better results in your future
*Highlight Achievements - NOT Responsibilities*
Although important, listing responsibilities should not form the focus of
your resume. Responsibilities are passive - achievements project you as an
active, dynamic individual. When you are seeking a higher position, your
achievements rather than your responsibilities acquire crucial importance -
so don't clump the two together. Write a paragraph giving an overview of
your responsibilities and then highlight your achievements with bullets.
When you want to sell something, you must make it stand out.
Having a well-written resume is crucial when it comes to getting interview
calls. Following the 5 tips above will ensure that you maximize your
- Heather Eagar
Recognized as a leading expert in the employment search industry, Heather
Eagar is passionate about providing working professionals with current,
reliable and effective job search tools and information. If you need to
hire a resume writing service, Heather offers reviews of the top companies
in the industry at <http://www.resumeli >
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