TCN's June 27th meeting will feature an exciting presentation by career consultant Lloyd Feinstein, entitled:
Using a combination of reliable marketing solutions, this presentation will lay out a strategy for achieving your career objectives: managing your career with your present employer or making a move to a new employer. Topics include: defining the scope of the problem, myths about career advancement, analyzing yourself as a competitive product (key issue), marketing strategies and networking. Business, professional and technical individuals will find this talk stimulating and helpful.
Bring a pencil, a pad and an open mind...you won't be disappointed!
Monday, January 27th, 7:00-9:00 PM
Temple Beth Rishon, 585 Russell Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Directions to Temple Beth Rishon:
Lloyd Feinstein is a seasoned Career Consultant and an Associate Member of Financial Executive Network Group (FENG). He joined FENG in May of 1999 and is a frequent contributor of articles on managing the job search process. He is an accomplished and regular speaker on career management topics throughout the tri-state area to adult schools, alumni associations, professional and trade groups, and church-based self-help groups. One of his goals is to build strategic partnerships with mid-level and senior executive support groups.
For the past 26 years, Lloyd has been a full-time career consultant and adviser to the serious minded career person from recent college graduates up to and including senior management executives and entrepreneurs. During this time Lloyd has co-authored Career Changing: The Worry-Free Guide, published by Little, Brown & Co. (out-of-print) and articles for the Wall Street Journal's National Business Employment Weekly.
Prior to this, Lloyd was Director of Human Resources for Oppenheimer & Co. on Wall Street and Director of Human Resources for Cadence Industries Corporation in West Caldwell, NJ. He holds a B.A. from Kean University and an M.A. from Rutgers University.
Areas of specialty include: accounting & finance, manufacturing, information technology, telecommunications, non-profit, self-employed, services, transportation, consulting and coaching all levels of job and career changers, resume preparation, interview training, salary negotiations, and all aspects of the job search process. He also does both corporate and retail outplacement.
We look forward to seeing you at Temple Beth Rishon on Monday, June 27th for our look at "Positioning Yourself in a Difficult Job Market." Please feel free to arrive at 6:30pm for extra open networking time, and bring a friend!
Next month, we will meet on July 25th (4th Monday, as usual), with a speaker and agenda to be announced.
For more information, contact Bob Roman: broman235@gmail.com or Bob Levin: blevin@galaxy.net
Bob Roman | Principal, Senior Consultant | Paneverde Design & Technology | bobroman@paneverde.com | 917.882.5402

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