Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)
- 1a.
- FW: [NJ-SENG] Meeting This Saturday - TBCNJ Presents: Alex Freund - From: Alex Freund
- 2.
- CNG - Important - Please Read! April 19th Mtg Cancelled -- Last Mt From: Goddard Laura
- 3.
- Job: NYC - LEVEL 2 Desktop Support RIGHT TO HIRE From: Brian Mecca
- 4.
- Mainframe Legacy Development work in NY/NJ From: Jim Danielson
- 5.
- Update: Webinar on Support Services for People Who Ha From:
- 6.
- Article: The 5 step basic strategy for using LinkedIn (Jan Vermeiren From: Eric Nilsson
- 7.
- 8.
- JOB: 4 Positions with Global Association of Risk Professionals Jerse From: Eric Nilsson
- 9.
- Slides from CNG Meeting 2012 04 05 From: lrgoddard
- 1a.
FW: [NJ-SENG] Meeting This Saturday - TBCNJ Presents: Alex Freund -
Posted by: "Alex Freund" alexfreund10
Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:56 am (PDT)
The Breakfast Club NJ Presents
Alex Freund
"Why Bother Networking"
The meeting is This Saturday, April 14, 2012 at 8:00 AM
Don't miss this meeting so that you can spring into action and learn why this is so important and how you can improve your networking skills. It is not just how many people you know, but how many people know you that is more important at the end of the day. It has worked for me and for people that I know.
This month's Topic: Why Bother Networking
Most people dread networking since they don't understand it, think that they are not good at it and while in transition they do not feel good about themselves. About 60 to 80 percent of people get their jobs through networking. Based on that fact alone, people in search of their next position should master this art.
The audience will learn about:
* What is networking?
* How to network effectively, with whom and where?
* What are the common barriers to networking and much more.
This one hour long presentation will clarify many of the myths associated with this subject.
About the Speaker:
Alex Freund is also known as the Landing Expert for publishing his Landing Expert job-networking list via his Web site < > . Alex is prominent in a number of networking groups and also writes a blog for job seekers accessible via the same Web site.
Alex had a successful career as corporate director at Fortune 500 companies. After graduating from Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration, he worked in hotels and hospitals. And he's managed some 35 different departments known as Facilities Administration or Support Services.
Alex has extensive experience at interviewing people for jobs. He also has practical training in career coaching. Consequently, he formed Landing Expert Career Coaching services.
Meeting Information:
Networking begins at 7:30 am, meeting starts promptly at 8:00 am.
Be sure to tell your friends and bring them along. Be a part of our growing network of Job Seekers, Hiring Managers, Recruiters, Career Coaches, and people who want to be able to help themselves and each other.
Event Location:
Days Hotel Conference Center
195 Rt. 18 South, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
The Breakfast Club NJ
10 Points for Good Member Citizenship
1) Attend meetings regularly to keep group strong and help pay back to others (meeting logistics on our website <http://www.thebreakfastclubnj. > www.thebreakfastclucom/
2) Keep anti virus on your machine up to date and run scan regularly
3) Review messages and if request for assistance please help whenever possible
4) Join groups linked in group and connect to other members directly
(questions see Gerry Peyton)
5) Join groups Facebook group and connect to other members directly (questions see Adrienne Roman)
6) Join groups twitter account (questions see George Pace)
7) If you run across some one in transition invite them to join our group and sponsor them through process (details on our website
8) Sunday mornings listen to our radio show, "Your Career Is Calling", at 8am ET either on radio at 107.7 or via internet 24/7 live or on demand at < > (as this is a call in show your calls help make it successful)
9) If you are in transition put your elevator pitch in writing to group, ask for help with job search issues or connecting to people at target companies, regularly post job opportunities (from email you joined the group - send email to <mailto:thebreakfastclubnj@yahoogroups. > thebreakfastclubnj@com yahoogroups. )com
10) Help fellow members whenever possible
Information on "The Breakfast Club NJ": ( <http://www.thebreakfastclubnj. > www.thebreakfastclucom/
There is information below on the location, other information, etc. There is a meeting fee of $10 to help us cover the cost of the hotel conference room for the meeting.
Go to <http://www.thebreakfastclubnj. > http://www.thebreakcom/ fastclubnj. for more information and how to join the Yahoo group. You can join the yahoo group at anytime; you do not need to have attended a meeting. You can also attend meetings at anytime without having joined the yahoo
If you have any questions, please let me know ( < > ) or send an email to
We look forward to seeing everyone let's make this a great meeting for our members that are in transition and welcome those that have landed
Meeting Format:
7:30 to 8:00 - Open Networking
8:00 to 8:15 - Welcome and housekeeping
8:15 to 9:30 – Presentation by the guest speaker
9:30 to 11:00 - Elevator Pitch - 30 Seconds about yourself, who you are, what you are looking for, target companies (3-4), how we can help you, how you can help others.
11:00 until you choose to leave - Open Networking, follow up with people you are interested in meeting following their elevator pitch, exchange business cards, peruse the library, arrange follow up meetings, etc.
1 - Make sure you come with the 30 second elevator pitch - honed - including your targeted companies, your value proposition, etc.
2 - If you are not already a member of our linked in and Facebook groups please join
3 - Once linked to our groups - link to each other - a strong network is a vital component to a successful job search
4 - If you are a member and new to transition send a brief message to the group (from the email you joined the breakfast club from) < > thebreakfastclubnj@com/group/ TheBreakfastClub NJ/post?postID= 0VQ8D88XABEwoCyb 2nXiQTKUz2DDhKuP WVLs3sBoaKv2JhUe 26LdCP9wiX68t_ rBslwdxi1MNr_ Ix-W0DylMt79OFis YUOpy yahoogroups. introducing yourself - and what companies you are targeting - we have 2500+ members that will respond with help where they cancom
Brian Mecca
The Breakfast Club NJ
Director Member Services
Senior Manager, Infrastructure and Technology
LinkedIn: < > http://www.linkedinca/ .com/in/brianmec ca/
Keep the faith, keep networking, never give up, never say die.
That position you are looking for may be just around the corner, but you have to go look for it, it is not going to come to you.
- 2.
CNG - Important - Please Read! April 19th Mtg Cancelled -- Last Mt
Posted by: "Goddard Laura" lrgoddard
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:28 am (PDT)
Thursday, April 19, 2012 - MEETING CANCELLED
Thursday May 3, 2012 - Please see message below
Bernards Township Library
Basking Ridge, NJ
We have some bad news and some good news for CNG members.
The bad news........and the good news�....
Career Networking Group has been so successful in helping people land that it is no longer needed to the extent it used to be. Attendance has steadily declined, at least in part, because of the many other fine networking groups in the area.
Consequently, your facilitators (Alex Freund, Laura Goddard, John Hadley, Rene McGee) have decided to discontinue the face-to-face CNG meetings after our May 3rd meeting. (Our April 19th meeting is cancelled.)
For May 3rd, we will do some speed networking, so bring your business cards. Come to our last meeting to say goodbye, meet some great folks, hopefully expand your relationships, and perhaps join the facilitators at the Ridge Tavern to raise a glass and toast a good organization that has served more than a thousand people over the years.
Now for some more good news.........
We will keep the CNG Yahoo!Groups website alive, and we hope you will continue your membership. It has, and will continue to be, an excellent source of articles, job postings and networking for CNG members.
We will be opening the CNG LinkedIn group to all folks who live in the area and have requested to join. This will expand your contacts and hopefully help you as you network your way to your next position.
Now for even better news.........
The Bernards Township Library is organizing a career-focused book club that will meet monthly. I'm sure you will be hearing a lot more shortly about this great concept.
The CNG facilitators are supporting this endeavor in an advisory capacity. The club will focus on discussion of books on business, job search, career management -- anything that can help you grow in your career and business life. Some will be New York Times best sellers. Some may be from New Jersey authors. Some discussions may center around blogs. The group will also serve as a great place to network with others concerned about accelerating their careers.
If you have books you'd like to recommend to the Bernard Township Library, please send an email to Jacqui Ridzy, Adult Program Coordinator. Be sure to let her know you are responding to this email, let her know your suggestions why you are making the recommendation.
We hope to see you all on May 3rd.
Thank you,
CNG Facilitators/Administrators
Alex Freund d
Laura Goddard dard
John Hadley adley
Ren� McGee
6:30 PM
Participants begin to arrive & network with peers.
7:00 PM
Topic: Speed Networking & Final Celebration
Speakers: Laura Goddard, John Hadley
8:15 PM
CNG announcements
20-second introductions by each attendee
Peer networking and tidying meeting room
8:50 PM
9:15 PM
Optional: Many attendees reconvene at The Store Restaurant & Bar a few blocks away to continue informal networking
I-287 to North Maple Avenue exit toward Basking Ridge
Go about 1.5 miles on North Maple Avenue
As you enter Basking Ridge, North Maple Avenue becomes South Maple Avenue
Bernards Township Library is on the left
Enter the lower level of the library
Follow CNG signs to the meeting room
- 3.
Job: NYC - LEVEL 2 Desktop Support RIGHT TO HIRE
Posted by: "Brian Mecca" bd_mecca
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:31 am (PDT)
Please self –screen and call for more details.
Location Midtown Manhattan
RIGHT TO HIRE : $40 per hour contract 3-6 months to start, then conversion to FTE permanent for financial services client.
Level II Desk Top Support Analyst. Must have 4/5 years of experience of HM/SW support. Win 7 and Server 2008 experience required. Knowledge of Networking (Checkpoint, Cisco ASA) would be a major plus as would be Citrix and VMWare. Prefer Financial Services experience. Excellent communications skills required.
"Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers"
Diane Havelock
Senior Account Executive
DTG Consulting Solutions
253 West 35th Street
New York, NY 10001
D: 212-629-7719
BB: 917-453-0137 (best reach) k
- 4.
Mainframe Legacy Development work in NY/NJ
Posted by: "Jim Danielson"
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:33 am (PDT)
To all,
Please pass to anyone looking for Mainframe work. Contact the recruiter
Design and code from specifications, analyzes, evaluates, tests, debugs,
documents, and implements complex software apps for mainframe applications.
- Strong in COBOLII
- Strong in DB2
-- 8+ years experience with Mainframe
Mike Andrew
Recruiting Manager
Digital Intelligence Systems (DISYS)
100 Town Square Place, Suite 202
Jersey City, NJ 07310
Office: 201-918-3729
Cell: 609-847-9559
< >
Thanks for everything !
Jim Danielson
(H) 973-584-1126
(M) 516-652-8557
- 5.
- Update: Webinar on Support Services for People Who Ha
Posted by: "" norsemantechnology
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:33 am (PDT)
Webinar on Support Services for People Who Have a Disability <http://links.govdelivery. > & Are Ready to Work – April 25com:80/track? type=click& enid=ZWFzPTEmbWF pbGluZ2lkPTIwMTI wNDExLjY3NjgwMzE mbWVzc2FnZWlkPU1 EQi1QUkQtQlVMLTI wMTIwNDExLjY3Njg wMzEmZGF0YWJhc2V pZD0xMDAxJnNlcml hbD0xNjk0Njk2OCZ lbWFpbGlkPWVyaWN uaWxzc29uQGVhcnR obGluay5uZXQmdXN lcmlkPWVyaWNuaWx zc29uQGVhcnRobGl uay5uZXQmZmw9JmV 4dHJhPU11bHRpdmF yaWF0ZUlkPSYmJg= =&&&100&& &https:// www.chooseworktt jsp/wise. jsp
If you are a Social Security disability beneficiary and want to make more money through work, the Ticket to Work program <http://links.govdelivery. > provides the support you need to transition to greater financial independence and self-sufficiency. This free Work Incentives Seminar Event on April 25, 2012 from 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time will present information about programs and rules that can help you return to type=click& enid=ZWFzPTEmbWF pbGluZ2lkPTIwMTI wNDExLjY3NjgwMzE mbWVzc2FnZWlkPU1 EQi1QUkQtQlVMLTI wMTIwNDExLjY3Njg wMzEmZGF0YWJhc2V pZD0xMDAxJnNlcml hbD0xNjk0Njk2OCZ lbWFpbGlkPWVyaWN uaWxzc29uQGVhcnR obGluay5uZXQmdXN lcmlkPWVyaWNuaWx zc29uQGVhcnRobGl uay5uZXQmZmw9JmV 4dHJhPU11bHRpdmF yaWF0ZUlkPSYmJg= =&&&101&& &http://www. chooseworkttw. net/about- program/ticket- program.html
Visit <http://links.govdelivery. > Disability.Blog to read and comment on issues of interest to the disability type=click& enid=ZWFzPTEmbWF pbGluZ2lkPTIwMTI wNDExLjY3NjgwMzE mbWVzc2FnZWlkPU1 EQi1QUkQtQlVMLTI wMTIwNDExLjY3Njg wMzEmZGF0YWJhc2V pZD0xMDAxJnNlcml hbD0xNjk0Njk2OCZ lbWFpbGlkPWVyaWN uaWxzc29uQGVhcnR obGluay5uZXQmdXN lcmlkPWVyaWNuaWx zc29uQGVhcnRobGl uay5uZXQmZmw9JmV 4dHJhPU11bHRpdmF yaWF0ZUlkPSYmJg= =&&&102&& &http://usodep. blogs.govdeliver
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Questions about the subscription service? Contact Us < >
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- 6.
Article: The 5 step basic strategy for using LinkedIn (Jan Vermeiren
Posted by: "Eric Nilsson" norsemantechnology
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:33 am (PDT)
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Vermeiren - Bert Verdonck [mailto:connect-with-us@networking- ]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 4:01 PM
To: Eric Nilsson
Subject: LinkedIn Tip 10 - The 5 step basic strategy
Dear Eric,
by now you should have read (and hopefully applied) most of the tips in "How to REALLY use LinkedIn".
Maybe you are now wondering where to start.
The one chapter that is the most important to get immediate results with LinkedIn is chapter 3: How to REALLY use LinkedIn, a 5 step basic strategy.
As a reminder these are the 5 steps for LinkedIn success:
Step 1: Clearly define a Specific Goal
Step 2: Think of People who Can Help You Reach Your Goal
Step 3: Use LinkedIn's Advanced Search (with the above parameters)
Step 4: Find People who Can Help You
Step 5: Get Introduced to People who Can Help You
Because this strategy is so important, set some time aside today or tomorrow to apply it for at least one person that can help you achieve your goals or give some good input for your current project.
To your success !
Jan and Bert
PS: if you rather watch a video clip with these tips, go to the free "Video and Tools Library" at com.
PPS: we offer more tips via our Twitter account: Follow us @LinkedInBook
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Networking Coach
Ekkersgatstraat 1 bus 2
2840 Rumst - Belgium
Tel (B): + 32 (3) 216 27 47
Tel (NL): +31 30 80 80 144
Website: com
If you want to unsubscribe, you can click on this link (you get an overview of all the mailing lists you are subscribed to):
http://arp.networking-coach. be/cgi-bin/ arp3/arp3- 333314&p= ba9637
- 7.
Posted by: "Rachael Barish" rachael_barish
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:34 am (PDT)
email : Beverly Feldman at
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Placement" < >
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:04:13 PM
Overcoming Job Interview Jitters
Andrea Goldberg
LCSW, New Jersey Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Private Practice
We appreciate your thoughtfulness!!
Remember : Every meeting is a potential networking contact so DRESS ACCORDINGLY!!!
Thursday April 19th, 2012 -- 9:30 a.m.-11 :30 a.m.
Aidekman Family Campus Whippany (901 Route 10 East)
email : Beverly Feldman at
- 8.
JOB: 4 Positions with Global Association of Risk Professionals Jerse
Posted by: "Eric Nilsson" norsemantechnology
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:34 am (PDT)
Administrative Assistant to the President
POSTED: Apr 05
Salary: Open
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey
Employer: Global Association of Risk Professionals
Type: Full Time - Experienced
Category: Administrative, Clerical, Support
Required Education: 4 Year Degree
See the full job here:
http://careercenter.nptimes. com/jobs/ 4725611/administ rative-assistant -to-the
Membership Associate
POSTED: Apr 04
Salary: Open
Location: Jersey City, NJ
Employer: Global Association of Risk Professionals
Type: Full Time - Entry Level
Categories: Administrative, Clerical, Support, Marketing, Membership
Required Education: 4 Year Degree
See the full job here:
http://careercenter.nptimes. com/jobs/ 4724154/membersh ip-associate
GARP Educational Programs in Risk Management Education and Certification
POSTED: Apr 04
Salary: Open
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey
< >maps?ie=UTF8& ll=40.722647, -74.060351& z=13
Employer: Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)
Type: Full Time - Experienced
Category: Finance
Preferred Education: Masters
See the full job here:
http://careercenter.nptimes. com/jobs/ 4724095/garp- educational- programs- in-ri
sk-management-education- and-certificatio n
Academic Outreach in Risk Management Education and Certification
POSTED: Apr 04
Salary: Open
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey
< >maps?ie=UTF8& ll=40.733081, -74.041881& z=13
Employer: Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)
Type: Full Time - Experienced
Category: Finance
Preferred Education: Masters
See the full job here:
http://careercenter.nptimes. com/jobs/ 4724084/academic -outreach- in-risk-manag
ement-education-and-certificatio n
- 9.
Slides from CNG Meeting 2012 04 05
Posted by: "lrgoddard" lrgoddard
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:44 am (PDT)
I have posted a PDF containing the slides from the CNG meeting on April 5th, "Build Your Marketing Plan".
You will find the presentation in the CNG Yahoo!Groups site in the "Files" Section and under the "Presentations & Handouts & Meeting Notes" subsection.
As a CNG Yahoo!Group member, use your Yahoo!Group ID to log in, select Career Networking Group, and begin your search through the many documents in "Files".
The Files section of the CNG Yahoo!Groups site contains many documents that you might find of interest, including templates, "how to" documents, and past presentations.
Take care,
--Laura Goddard--
CNG Co-Facilitator
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