Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)
- 1.
- Article: Can You Right Write? 10 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid (E From: Eric Nilsson
- 2.
- CGS Technology Associates - Current Consulting Opportunities From: cgs_managing_partner
- 3.
- Article: Career Assessment Do's and Don'ts (CareerGuide) From: Eric Nilsson
- 4.
- Article: Don't Bury the Lead - Brand Your Résumé ( From: Eric Nilsson
- 5.
- FW: Immediate Opportunity for Project Manager / Albany,NY / 6 Months From: Tom Bley
- 6.
- FW: Business Management Compliance Manager Position in NY, NY From: Tom Bley
- 7.
- Sales Manager - Chateau Elan Winery & Resort - Braselton, GA From: Keith Bogen SPHR
- 8.
- Data Warehouse Program Executive (GA) From: Keith Bogen SPHR
- 9.
- IT Director of Software Development (NC) From: Keith Bogen SPHR
- 1.
Article: Can You Right Write? 10 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid (E
Posted by: "Eric Nilsson" eric_s_nilsson
Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:05 am (PST)
Can You Right Write? 10 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid
January 25th, 2010
Note To Readers: There is no possible way that I could have written this
article. I rely on two editors to make sure my grammar is correct! So I
invited Ms. Brenda < > Bernstein, the Essay
Expert, to come along and write this series of two articles for me. She is
quite the grammarian, and she is much smarter than I. So you all had
better listen to her - and enjoy!
Do you want to impress the people who matter?
For better or worse, many people judge you on your ability to express
yourself in words. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a blogger, a college
applicant or a job seeker, it is crucial that you write clearly and
I read a lot of bad writing, and I have noticed certain errors that occur
over and over again. If you AVOID this list of errors, you will stand a
chance of getting in the door.
1. Its/It's
This one might be the most common error of them all. Its is the possessive
of it. It means "belonging to it." E.g., The computer is on its last legs.
The tree lost its leaves.
The confusion comes from the fact that usually we use an apostrophe to form
a possessive, e.g.,
< content/uploads/ 2010/01/misspell edAP0609_ 468x31
1.jpg> content/uploads/ 2010/01/misspell edAP0609_ 468x311
-300x199.jpgI stole the dog's bone. The President's speech did not inspire
Exception alert! Possessive pronouns (yours, hers, ours, theirs) have NO
apostrophe, e.g., Is that picnic blanket yours, ours or theirs?
There's an exception to the exception: One's, which is also a possessive
pronoun. E.g., It's good to take one's time when writing a business letter.
It's - with an apostrophe - means "it is." It's a contraction like do not
(don't). E.g., It's a beautiful day! It's hard to know when to use "then"
and when to use "than."
Want to read more? It
< 2009/09/20/ common-spelling- errors-its- time-t
o-get-straight-about-how- to-use-its- and-its/> 's Time to Get Straight About
It's and Its
2. Then/Than
Then refers to time. Many people tend to use then when than is correct.
Here's a cool trick: Then rhymes with when! First I saw. Then I came. Then
I conquered.
When? Then.
Than refers to comparison. The Empire State Building is taller than my
house. I love you more than he does.
If you're not answering the question "When?" (Answer: Then), [know/no] to
use than.
3. Know/No
< >content/uploads/ 2010/01/GrammarP olice.png
Know is what you do with knowledge. If you know how to spell knowledge you
know how to spell know.
No is used to express the negative and is the opposite of Yes. E.g. No way!
No means no!
I know you can get this [write/right].
4. Write/Right
Write is most often used to refer to what you do with words. Conveniently,
"write" and "words" both start with a w. Write words.
Right is the opposite of left, or of wrong. E.g., You write with your right
hand, am I right? Right can also mean to set something straight. E.g.,
[Everyday/Every day], my cat knocks over my ficus plant, and every day I
right it.
5. Every Day/Everyday
If you do something every single day, use every day. Try putting "single" in
the phrase and if it belongs there, make sure you put a space between
"every" and "day."
If something is commonplace or done every day, use everyday.
e.g., I don't wear my everyday shoes every day. Sometimes I like my shoes to
[stand out/standout].
Want to read more? Everyday
< 2009/12/26/ common-grammatic al-errors- everyda
y-words-we-use-every-day/ > Words We Use Everyday
6. Stand Out/Standout
< content/uploads/ 2010/01/Screen- shot-2009- 12-01-
at-11.08.13-AM.png> these is goodStand out is a verb. Try putting the word
"right" into the phrase. E.g., She stands [right] out in a crowd. If the
sentence works, make sure you put a space between "stand" and "out."
Standout is an adjective meaning impressive or noticeable. E.g., We
attracted a standout crowd on opening night, despite the foul
7. Weather/Whether
Weather comprises things like sun, rain, snow, sleet and hail.
Whether is a conjunction used to introduce an alternative. E.g., Whether or
not, here I come! Whether raises a question, much like other questions words
like "who," "what," and "which," which also start with "wh."
As questionable as the weather may be, it does not start with a wh. E.g.,
In early Spring, I often [here/hear] weather reports that contradict each
other as to whether it's going to rain or snow.
8. Here/Hear
Hear is generally what your ears do. Notice that "ear" is part of "hear."
This one should be easy. Can you hear me now?
Here relates to a place or a time. E.g., Please come over here.
The expression "Hear hear!" comes from "Hear ye Hear ye!" We love what
these folks have to say and we want to hear [they're/their/there] words!
9. There/They're/Their
There is a place. Look over there. Note it has "here" in it, which is also
a place: There.
They're is the contraction for They Are. You make it the same way you make
don't (do not), it's (it is), and you're (you are).
Their is a possessive pronoun. It has "heir" in it. If Bob and Jim are
heirs according to [statute/statue] then the money is theirs.
10. Too/Two/To
Too means "also" or "as well." Think extra. An extra thing and an extra o.
Two is a number, also known as 2. Unfortunately it does not have 2 os in
it, which would make things easier to remember. Just remember w for wacky.
'Cuz this is a pretty wacky spelling of a word if I ever saw one. Or you
can think of other words that have "tw" in them like "between" and "twins"
that also have a "tw."
To is a preposition. It gets you from one place to another. It is the
beginning of the word toward, which is another word that [affects/effects]
your location.
Sam's Note: I hope this was helpful. Any guesses for #11-20? Stay tuned
to find out!
< >content/uploads/ 2010/01/BB- photo-cropped. jpg
Brenda BernsteinAbout the author: Brenda Bernstein is the Founder and Senior
Editor at <http://www.theessay > . She holds
B.A. in English from Yale and a J.D. from New York University School of Law,
and has been coaching individuals and companies on their writing projects
for over 10 years. The Essay Expert provides assistance with college essays,
LinkedIn profiles, resumes, cover letters, web copy, business writing, and
custom writing projects.
URL: 1483
< > &preview=true1483&preview= true
- 2.
CGS Technology Associates - Current Consulting Opportunities
Posted by: "cgs_managing_partner" cgs_managing_partner
Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:41 am (PST)
For 25 years CGS has built a reputation for providing quality technical
resources to Fortune 500 companies to solve all types of technical
problems... As a service organization, CGS understands that in order to
attract and retain clients, we must continue to provide an un-equaled
level of support and services, and we do. The highest recommendation and
reward we can receive from our clients is the amount of repeat business
we receive (over 95%). â¨â¨
Our staff are not only technologically savvy but also are proficient in
the intricacies of the industries in which they are engaged including
but not limited to insurance, banking, manufacturing and communications,
utilities, petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals.
CGS's Consulting Organization is an organization of dedicated men
and women who havethe ambition, creativity and discipline required to
meet the challenges posed to us by our clients in a timely and
cost-effective manner.
As a result of our success, CGS is currently hiring individuals who are
experienced in the following areas: â¨â¨
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Top Priority -WPF & Silverlight Application Developers - NY / CT !!!
Project Coordinator in Financial Services NY
Adobe Flex Developers NJ
Business Analyst with Life Sciences experience - Junior/Mid Level
Business Analysts with Life Sciences experience - Senior NJ
Computer Validation Specialists with Life Sciences experience NJ
Data Architects with Life Sciences experience NJ
Enterprise Architects with Life Sciences experience NJ
Java Documentum Developers NJ
Java and JSP Developers - PA / NJ
LIMS SampleManager Analysts NJ
Project Managers with Life Sciences experience NJ
Project Manager with Life Sciences experience- Junior/Mid-Level NJ
SAS Developers (Modeling & Simulation) NJ
SAP Manufacturing specialists with Life Sciences experience NJ
SAP Solutions Architects with Life Sciences experience NJ
SFAUser Acceptance Testing - Senior NJ
SharePoint Professionals - NJ / NY
SharePoint Trainers - NJ / NY
Sun Java IdM Developers NJ
Web Application Performance Tuning Specialists NJ
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
To learn more about these opportunities, please visit our website at < >
No third party resumes will be considered unless specifically requested.
Thank you
CGS Technology Associates
485E US Route 1 South
Iselin, NJ 08830
Email: < >
Web: <http://www.cgsonlin >
Office: 732-750-4141
- 3.
Article: Career Assessment Do's and Don'ts (CareerGuide)
Posted by: "Eric Nilsson" eric_s_nilsson
Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:16 pm (PST)
<http://thecareerguide.blogspot. com/2010/ 01/career- assessment- dos-and-donts.
html> Assessment Do's and Don'ts
Here are the keys to a successful career assessment. Follow these simple
rules and you should achieve success in this self-discovery process.
* Do be aware that assessments are available to help guide you toward
the right career for you. A qualified career counselor can administer,
score, and interpret these assessments. A number of free career assessments
also are available on the Internet, though many experts question their
* Do compare online career assessments to see which ones might meet
your needs.
* Do keep your expectations in check when you take free online
assessments. You may attain some direction and guidance from these tests,
but don't be overly reliant on them for magic answers.
* Don't discount the possibility that these free online assessments
might suggest to you some career ideas and directions you had never thought
of and that are worth further exploration.
* Do take several different assessments to help you learn more about
yourself and to help you determine which tests provide the most reliable
results for you.
* Do print out and retain the results of the assessments you take
online. Compare results, and see if you can see patterns -- a "career
snapshot" -- beginning to emerge.
* Do trust your gut. If a free online assessment tells you something
about yourself that doesn't ring true, disregard that information.
* Don't rely on free online assessments alone for self-discovery and
career guidance. Meet with a career counselor; college students and alumni
usually have free or inexpensive access to counselors. Supplement the
results you've obtained from free online assessments with other assessments
the counselor might administer. Ask the counselor to help you interpret and
integrate the results of various assessments.
* Do use career assessments with a variety of other self-discovery
activities, such as examining your strengths and weaknesses and the
activities you most enjoy and least enjoy.
* Do have fun taking career assessments. Self-discovery is almost
always an enlightening and often entertaining process.
by < > Katharinecareer_assessmen t-dos-donts. html
Hansen, Ph.D.
For Career Building in all type of Tech. & I.T. Fields and
Exams/Certifications & a lot more visit
http://www.ComputerTipsnTricks. or visitcom/ITcert. htm
<http://www.ComputerTipsnTricks. >com/
http://thecareerguide.blogspot. com/2010/ 01/career- assessment- dos-and-donts. h
- 4.
Article: Don't Bury the Lead - Brand Your Résumé (
Posted by: "Eric Nilsson" eric_s_nilsson
Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:46 pm (PST)
Don't Bury the Lead - Brand Your Résumé
In their book "Made to Stick," authors Chip and Dan Heath put forth a guide
that is intended to transform the way we communicate ideas and make our
messages stick. Under their first principle of keeping things Simple, they
discuss a concept that can be applied to writing your résumé.
In many ways, writing your résumé is analogous to a news reporter writing a
story for tomorrow's edition. News reporters are taught to start their
stories with the most important information. The first sentence, called the
lead, contains the most essential elements of the story. A well-written lead
can convey a lot of information. After the lead, information is presented in
decreasing order of importance. Journalists call this the inverted pyramid
structure the most important information (the widest part of the pyramid)
is at the top.
The inverted pyramid is great for readers. No matter what the reader's
attention span and in the case of your résumé, it may be no more than
15-25 seconds the inverted pyramid maximizes what matters. Picture the
alternative. If news stories were written like mysteries, with a dramatic
payoff at the end, then readers who broke off in mid-story would miss the
Journalists constantly obsess about their leads because it's the most
important investment they can make in their story. Typically, after crafting
a good lead, the rest of the story flows easily. This is no different from
writing your résumé. Creating a compelling lead that leaves your reader
wanting more should be the main focus of your attention as you build your
career story.
If writing a good lead makes everything else easy, why would a journalist
fail to come up with one? It's like getting caught not seeing the forest for
the trees. It's getting so steeped in the details that they fail to convey
the core message. This problem of losing direction is so common that it has
its' own name: "Burying the lead." Burying the lead happens when the
journalist lets the most important element of the story get lost somewhere
else in the story structure.
The process of writing a lead is a great metaphor for the process of writing
your résumé. Your résumé should follow the inverted pyramid model and start
with a well-written, riveting introduction or what I call the "Branding
Summary." A successful branding summary contains the essence of who you are,
what makes you different and demonstrates the value you can deliver. It
helps separate you from your competitors.
As you develop your résumé, concentrate on delivering your core message.
Invest your time in creating a memorable branding summary that doesn't bury
the lead, but puts it front and center.
URL: blog.asp? a=Post
< > &id=172blog.asp? a=Post&id= 172
- 5.
FW: Immediate Opportunity for Project Manager / Albany,NY / 6 Months
Posted by: "Tom Bley" pierres1010
Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:58 pm (PST)
Please contact the recruiter directly.
Best Wishes,
Tom Bley
Project / Program Manager
Cell (973) 919-1252
Subject: Immediate Opportunity for Project Manager / Albany,NY / 6 Months
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 02:11:32 +0530
am Satish from Anblicks and our client is looking for
Project Manager position at .I would appreciate if you could go thru
the job profile and let me know your interest. If you are interested please
forward me your updated resume. Also provide me these details
Name :
No :
ID :
Availability :
Status/Citizenship :
Location :
Rate :
Title :
Project Manager
Location : Albany, NY
Duration : 6months
be available for available for face to face interview.
*Job Functions or Responsibilities
Provide project leadership for two in-flight
projects: 1.) Client Data Warehouse Redesign - This project goal is to
provide a data warehouse solution that enables Client staff and management
better access to analytical toolsand 2.) Master Data Management - This
project's goal is to identify and standardize agency-wide data domains within
*Must Have Educational Qualifications/Skills/Experienc e
(Basic Qualifications)
*Minimum Years Required
Experience with managing small to medium size, on-site
project teams.
Experience with call creation / reporting, queue assignment, routing and
monitoring escalation.
Experience with Change Management process, creating and reviewing change
Familiarity with using HP Network Node Monitoring software.
6 yrs minimum
Experience with full Project Management
methodologies implementing iterative development strategies.
Experience interacting with end users as well as being liaison between
end-user and technical staff.
6 yrs minimum
Experience with MS-Project developing and maintaining
project plans.
Experience with Windows Operating System navigation, support of desktop
client software, peripherals and
5 yrs minimum
Nice to Have Skills/Experience
1. Experience working in large governmental organizations,
private sector health and/or mental health care agencies/corporations.
2. Experience working with Health Related organizations.3. Experience with
projects involving data warehouse, ETL, or Master Data Management activities.
4. Experience reporting regularly to C-Level or Executive Management
Thanks & Regards....
Satish... ?
5055 Keller Springs RD. STE 160 Addison, TX 75001.
6: 972-692-6957,
- 6.
FW: Business Management Compliance Manager Position in NY, NY
Posted by: "Tom Bley" pierres1010
Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:55 pm (PST)
Please contact the recruiter directly.
Best Wishes,
Tom Bley
Project / Program Manager
Cell (973) 919-1252
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 09:41:13 -0500
Subject: Business Management Compliance Manager Position in NY, NY
My name is Paul Marrandino and I'm a Senior IT Recruiter at Axelon Services Corporation, formerly known as Algomod Technologies. Our records show that you are an experienced IT professional with a background in PMO/BMO AND COMPLIANCE. This experience is relevant to one of my current openings.
The opening requires PROJECT MANAGMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT in addition to the above skills. It is located in New York, NY. Global Financial Firm located in New York, NY has an immediate full time opportunity for a VP - Business Management Compliance Manager.
· Manage and lead an array of Compliance Programs including but not limited to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Technology Audits, Continuous & Ad hoc internal audit programs, Internal Audit Issues, and others
· Work with BMO team members, Technologists and Vendors to ensure that all the program deliverables are responded to the Enterprise-level Program teams in a timely fashion.
· Interface with Senior management including C-level Technology Executives as well as the technology managers and their team members to ensure that the program goals and objectives are addressed and executed on a day-to-day basis to achieve the overall goals
Essential: Required for being successful for this role -
7+ years experience in either a Program Management Office (PMO) or Business Management Office (BMO) in a compliance-based role
· Excellent inter-personal, negotiation and influencing skills
· Strong problem solving and analytical skills
· Excellent organisational, planning, writing and communication skills
· Persistency, poise and perseverance to get things accomplished under pressure and within the set timelines
· Past experience of working with senior management
· Excellent MS-Office skills (including PowerPoint and Excel)
Secondary: Not mandatory but preferred
Project Management Certification - PMI or PRINCE 2, etc
If you are qualified, available, interested, planning to make a change, or know of a friend who might have the required qualifications and interest, please email me ASAP at , even if we have spoken recently about a different position. If you do respond via e-mail please include a daytime phone number so I can reach you. In considering candidates, time is of the essence, so please respond ASAP. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Marrandino
Axelon Services Corporation
Note: Please allow me to reiterate that I chose to contact you either because your resume had been posted to one of the internet job sites to which we subscribe, or you had previously submitted your resume to Axelon. I assumed that you are either looking for a new employment opportunity, or you are interested in investigating the current job market.
If you are not currently seeking employment, or if you would prefer I contact you at some later date, please indicate your date of availability so that I may honor your request. In any event, I respectfully recommend you continue to avail yourself to the employment options and job market information we provide with our e-mail notices.
Thanks again.
Paul Marrandino
Axelon Services Corporation
116 John Street
New York, NY 10038
Phone: (212) 306-0100 or (877) 711-8700
Fax : (212) 306-0191
For more job opportunities:
If you would like to unsubscribe, please click here.
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- 7.
Sales Manager - Chateau Elan Winery & Resort - Braselton, GA
Posted by: "Keith Bogen SPHR" hrslugger2002
Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:28 pm (PST)
Sales Manager - Chateau Elan Winery & Resort
This is a wonderful opportunity for a driven sales professional with outstanding customer service skills! The ideal candidate will possess a strong working knowledge of business development and sales techniques. Must have knowledge of catering operations, yield management, hotel service standards, guest relations, food and beverage menu development.
Responsible for managing a client base by providing prospects with complete and accurate information on the hotel. Will determine client needs and possible objections, provide persuasive arguments to close the sale, and negotiate rates to maximize revenues.
Must have at least 3 years experience in hotel sales. Prior resort sales experience is a plus. College degree in hotel management or related business field required.
If you are interested in this position, please contact me directly.
Anu Kothari
Chateau Elan Winery & Resort
678.425.0900 x6351
www.chateauelan. com,_._,___
- 8.
Data Warehouse Program Executive (GA)
Posted by: "Keith Bogen SPHR" hrslugger2002
Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:08 pm (PST)
Data Warehouse Program Executive
Job Code ID: 01708892
Salary: $140,000 - $160,000
Industry: Consulting
Full Benefits: Yes
InterviewExp: No
ReloExp: No
Location: Atlanta, GA
Job Type: Direct Hire
Year(s) Exp: 10-15
Competitors: IBM, Oracle, SAP
General Comments: Due to the high volume of
applicants we do not accept e-mailed resumes. Submit direct at to expedite
a faster and more efficient submittal process.
Click on "job finder" then enter
the job ID number into the "key words" box then click on
"begin search"!
Well established Data Warehouse
technology provider is looking for a DW Subject Matter Expert to mentor project
teams in project management best practices.
The individual will develop, deploy and
implement programs to improve the overall companys DW project management
capability. These programs typically focus on project management methodology,
process, data management tools
They will be expected to instruct and mentor
the professional services team members responsible for delivering Data
Warehouse and Data Management technologies.
They will also need to interact with Company
executives and professional services organization, on the appropriate level.
The individual may be assigned to assist in
pre-sale planning, project risk assessment, project startup, quality assurance
audits and project recovery.
The perfect individual will be able to demonstrate
experience at working effectively in highly challenging environments.
Skill Requirements:
Data Warehouse or Business Intelligence project
management experience
Must have experience with total project
Experience managing complex software and system
integration programs
Experience in a consulting environment
Proven ability to interact at senior C-level
management levels
B.S. degree (appropriate) required, advanced
degree preferred
Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification
Ken Nunley
Executive Recruiter / Principal
7solutionsUSA.blogspot. com rhrexpert
Behavior-based Interview Trainer
Performance-based Talent
Acquisition Architect
Human Resource Consultant
Executive Interview Coaching (Information
Technology and Information Systems)
Office: 615-952-3771
FAX - 775-305-5611
378-B Love Street
Kingston Springs TN 37082
A Division of 7 Solutions USA
- 9.
IT Director of Software Development (NC)
Posted by: "Keith Bogen SPHR" hrslugger2002
Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:10 pm (PST)
Title: IT Director of Software Development
Job ID: 01711486
Location: Greensboro, NC
Salary: $140000 - $170000
Industry: Healthcare
Reports to: Vice President
General Comments: Due to the high volume of applicants we do
not accept e-mailed resumes. Submit direct at to expedite a
faster and more efficient submittal process.
Click on "job finder" then enter the job ID
number into the "key words" box then click on "begin
As IT Director of Software Development, s/he will play an
integral leadership role in creating a team-oriented, problem solving culture
that fosters creativity and results in a performance driven, customer-focused
technology team.
S/he must hire, manage, and motivate a top-notch software
development team; identify and develop new managers; develop and maintain
department forecasts, budgets and management reports; and ensure that
technical, financial and personnel management standards are implemented and
maintained. S/he will be an experienced manager who will drive a talented team
of developers to migrate from current technology to future platform.
S/he must possess a thorough understanding of development
methodologies, object oriented analysis and design, and the development of
highly scalable, maintainable, and secure solutions (client-side and
Principal Functions:
Build and manage a software development team to migrate from
current technology to future platform. Provide technical vision, leadership and
management for all aspects of the software development team.
Understand and translate the vision of enterprise
architecture and ensure the team is able to translate that to a working
Build and enforce high-quality, maintainable, and scalable
software that follows established development guidelines.
Work closely with product management team to define specific
product releases and manage development team through development, deployment
and rollout of all new product features.
Ensures products are delivered on time and according to the
highest quality standards.
Build and grow relationships with the functional teams
across the organization.
Ability to effectively interact with senior leadership and
business unit executives to formulate solutions, estimate development costs,
and deliver products that meet strategic needs.
Provide vision and structure for career development for the
development team.
Manage within a defined budget.
Working in a regulated environment such as FDA, NCLP, DOT,
CLIA, etc.
Minimum Requirements:
BS or MS in Computer Science or equivalent
Minimum 10 years technical experience in software
development and 5 years management experience
7 -10 years experience in all aspects of application design,
development, testing and implementation
Solid technical understanding of web-based architecture,
relational databases and object-oriented design
Excellent communication skills with an ability to move from
deep technical discussions to strategic conversations with ease
Track record of successfully delivering high-quality
software products
Demonstrated ability to lead a development team
Previous experience managing teams of 15 or more developers
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Ability to interact professionally with a diverse group
including customers, executives, managers, and subject matter experts
Preferred Skills:
Experience in the following:
Healthcare industry
Working with Java and .NET based technologies
Experience with Spring framework, Web Services, Java script,
Ajax and MVC frameworks such as JSF and Struts
Experience with various database back ends: DB2, SQL Server,
Oracle, etc.
Ken Nunley
Executive Recruiter / Principal
7solutionsUSA.blogspot. com rhrexpert
Behavior-based Interview Trainer
Performance-based Talent
Acquisition Architect
Human Resource Consultant
Executive Interview Coaching (Information
Technology and Information Systems)
Office: 615-952-3771
FAX - 775-305-5611
378-B Love Street
Kingston Springs TN 37082
A Division of 7 Solutions USA
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