Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)
- 1.
- Fw: Upcoming Resume and Cover letter workshop Oct 28, 7:30 in Somerv From: Terrence Seamon
- 2.
- Fwd: [TheBreakfastClubNJ] Forbes: Use The Holidays To Find A Job From: Peter Lutz
- 1.
Fw: Upcoming Resume and Cover letter workshop Oct 28, 7:30 in Somerv
Posted by: "Terrence Seamon" thseamon
Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:59 am (PDT)
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Immaculate Conception Church Employment Ministry
< >
Cc: ; Terrence Seamon < >; Bob
Longo < >; Alex Freund < >; Abby Kohut
< >; ; Elaine Messina
< >; Betsy Kuzio < >; Patricia Jannuzzi
< >; Patricia Yannotta < >; ; ; Melanie Rhodes
< >; Joy Panzarino < >; Marley Nolan
< >
Sent: Wed, October 20, 2010 10:02:26 PM
Subject: Upcoming Resume and Cover letter workshop Oct 28, 7:30 in Somerville
Need a resume?
Need to update your resume?
Need some advice or help on how to spruce up your resume?
Bring your resume(s) and cover letters for a FREE and informative workshop!
On October 28 at 7:30 pm, The Employment Ministry of the Immaculate Conception
Church will host a Resume and Cover Letter Workshop at the Nazareth House, 88
West End Av, Somerville. Human Resource professionals, recruiters and other
volunteers will help you plan, write, format and/or update your resume and
assist with cover letter writing. The meeting will also present an opportunity
to network and address any concerns regarding the job market.
RSVP is strongly encouraged, but not required to Patricia Yannotta at
(908) 722-5671 or . To receive updates, announcements and
regular job leads and share resources and correspondence with the group, please
email icc-em-subscribe@yahoogroups. visit the group's yahoo page atcomor group/icc- em.
Please feel free to share this information with your contacts/group. Meeting is
free and open to the public.
"Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
Immaculate Conception Church Employment Ministry
c/o The Nazareth House
88 West End Av, Somerville , NJ 08876
Providing support, inspiration and encouragement with employment related
situations through prayer, networking and sharing resources. group/icc- em
- 2.
Fwd: [TheBreakfastClubNJ] Forbes: Use The Holidays To Find A Job
Posted by: "Peter Lutz" peter_f_lutz
Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:59 am (PDT)
Peter Lutz
(908) 672-9150
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jayne Wells" < >
Date: Oct 20, 2010 4:38 PM
Subject: [TheBreakfastClubNJ] Forbes: Use The Holidays To Find A Job
To: "yahoogroups 1_PSGMorris" < >, "yahoogroups
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Business Basics
*Use The Holidays To Find A Job*
Susan Adams, 10.19.10, 7:00 PM ET 10/19/holiday- job-search- seeking-leadersh ip-careers- hiring.html
You can and should. One reason: You'll have less competition then.
< >< com/specialslot/ career-change- 10/forbes. com/adams/ story/id16530437 5/1495590468/ x92/OasDefault_ v5/default/ empty.gif/ 3241616472557934 3270414144797842 com/RealMedia/ >ads/click_ com/specialslot/ career-change- 10/forbes. com/adams/ story/id16530437 5/1311004041/ x91/OasDefault_ v5/default/ empty.gif/ 3241616472557934 3270414144797842
[image: image]< >10/19/holiday- job-search- seeking-leadersh ip-careers- hiring_slide_ 2.html
*In Pictures: Use The Holidays To Find A
Job< >10/19/holiday- job-search- seeking-leadersh ip-careers- hiring_slide_ 2.html
When my friend Matthew turned down an offer for a lucrative marketing
position two weeks ago (it conflicted with the noncompete agreement from his
old employer), he told me he couldn't find another job until the new year.
That's just the way it is in his business, he said. Once the holidays hit,
no one hires.
That's how most job-seekers see it: November and December are lousy months
to look. Plus, if you've been hunting for a long time, it's a tempting time
to take a break.
But Catherine Jewell, an Austin, Texas, career coach and author of the book
*New Resume, New Career*, says job-hunters who keep at it are actually more*
*likely to find a job over the holidays. Among the reasons: There's less
competition, the season puts people in a receptive mood, and all those
parties and family gatherings overflow with networking opportunities.
"People forget what great resources they have in their current networks,"
observes Jewell, who worked in advertising and marketing for 15 years before
she became a career coach. Family and friends want to help you, and even if
you feel like you already stay in touch regularly, seeing them face-to-face
when everyone is in the holiday spirit offers the perfect opportunity for
reminding them of exactly what you're looking for. Be as specific as you can
during your conversation, Jewell advises. "Tell them the title you're
looking for, the kind of company," she says. "You're asking for
information." If you're lucky, your cousin knows someone at the firm where
you'd love to work, and can provide a lead.
If you're employed and thinking about changing jobs, or if your objective is
to make a career switch, holiday gatherings also offer a chance to ask
people about their own work. Be inquisitive. "You're not pushing your
agenda," says Jewell. "You're a sponge for data."
It can be helpful to ask a fellow partygoer what's going on inside her
company. Jewell met a woman at a luncheon recently who works for a state
agency. She inquired about what was new in the training realm, and the woman
said her division was focusing on leadership. Since Jewell does leadership
training herself, she suddenly realized she'd found a great lead, and she
arranged to follow up with a phone call the next week.
In addition to parties thrown by families and friends, there are always
plenty of festivities hosted by professional associations. If you can cadge
an invite to the office party of the company where you want to work, you
might get an inside scoop.
"The bottom line is that the best job leads come from other professionals,"
Jewell points out. "They are your entry point to the secret job market,
which is only available through contact with people." Out of the 120 people
Jewell has coached this year, she says, 115 got their jobs via information
they found through family, friends or business associates. "That's where the
leads are," she says, "in people's heads."
--------------------- ---------
Most job-seekers think that it's fruitless to call a hiring manager on Dec.
22. But Jewell says that's wrong. "Many managers have a decreased work
schedule during the holidays," she points out. If they're not away, they're
more likely to engage with you when you call.
Jewell has some more holiday job-seeking advice that may seem a tad
Pollyannaish to the cynical among us. "The holiday time is a great time to
count your blessings," she says. "You may be unemployed, but you still have
a home to live in and a family that loves you." She points out that hiring
managers are more receptive to job-seekers who express confidence and an
optimistic frame of mind. If you can use the holidays to renew your
appreciation of all that is good in your life, that can help you pursue your
search with an attitude that's most likely to get results.
In Pictures: Use The Holidays To Find A
Job< >10/19/holiday- job-search- seeking-leadersh ip-careers- hiring_slide_ 2.html
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